ch4: kisame's hometown

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It only took a few punches and glares from the uchihas to defeat the fishman army. They didn't use any jutsu since they need to capture the fishman army alive.

Tobi brought his face closer to a blue skinned fishman. A sad smile found its place on tobi's face.

" This guy reminded me alot of kisame. Everytime i punched this guys, kisame's face flashed inside my mind." (Tobi)

Tobi staring at the blue fishman with fond gaze as if he was staring at his old friend.

"Yeah, i think so too. As expected this is kisame's home town right?" (Pain)

Pain said while looking at the island. Half of the island were covered in dense forest. A small path way was made leading to the center of the forest.

" I can't wait to see kisame's hometown!!!" ( Tobi)

His eyes sparkled while dreaming meeting kisame's family and friends.

"Give me a minutes, i am going to get some information from this guys first" ( itachi)

Itachi walked toward one of the fishman. He pinched the fishman's nose, forcing the fishman to woke up. The first thing the fishman saw was a pair of shining red eyes.

The next thing he knew, he was tied on a x shaped cross made out of wood. The sky was eerily red with a giant red moon at the center. a raven haired boy standing infront of him.

" I am going to ask some question, and you have to answer it" (itachi)

" I won't sell my friend" ( fishman)

The fishman said while shaking in fear. Even though they were pirates, the fishman had been together for ages, they were beyond a family at this point. He won't let any danger near his family.

Itachi stared at the blue fishman. His blue fish like face overlap with kisame's face.
Itachi's  heart soften as he remember the time he spent with kisame in the past.

A life time partner, they had been through a lot of life and death situation. Leaving their back to each other, trusting his partner with his own life. Their bond was stronger than any steel.

This fishman remind him of his old partner. Itachi couldn't brought himself to hurt this fishman. In the end he changed his interogation tactics.

"Very well you leave me no choice" ( itachi)

The raven boy took a takoyaki with his chopstick and shoved it into the fishman mouth.

" *Mugu* *mugu* bas*ta*d, you monster!!! You will regre- *ugh* *mugu*" (fishman)

Itachi shoved another takoyaki into the fishman mouth. A takoyaki would be shoved into the fishman mouth everytime he didn't answer a question.

Little did itachi knew, the fishman was actually enjoying the all you can eat takoyaki.

They didn't give a crap about the seafood, they just got angry when they thought tobi was provoking them by showing the grilled octopus.

The interogation when longer than it supposed to. In the end the fishman answered most of itachi's question after eating fifteen bowl of takoyaki.

" Thank you for you cooperation, now sleep." ( Itachi)

The fishman body slumped on the deck, a huge snore came from his direction at a constant interval.

" Alright the preparation are done, lets go and explore the cocoyashi village" (itachi)

Itachi said after moving the sleeping fishmans under the roof, so they wouldn't cought cold if it started to rain.

"Ooo so thats the name of the village!!" ( Tobi)

Tobi excitement jumped through the roof anticipating a tour to kisame's hometown.

"By the way, where is pain?" (Itachi)

" He went into the forest to take a piss, he will be back in a minut-." (Tobi)

" Yo im back " (pain)

In the distance a man with orange hair walking toward the ship. His right arm was holding a huge treasure chest filled with golds.

Pain's body was covered in gold from top to bottom. A golden ear piercing, golden necklace on his neck, and a golden belt warping around his waist. His body was litrally shining in gold, like sengoku in his golden Buddha form.

"where did you find those thing" (itachi)
Itachi's eyes narrowed at pain as if looking at a thief.

A small fear burn inside pain heart, like a kid caught stealing infront of his mother. Pain frantically waving his hand, while giving his excuses.

" You see i was finishing my business when i found an x mark on the ground. I dig the ground a little and found this treasure chest!!" ( Pain)

Itachi narrowed his eyes even further. It took a solid ten minutes to convince itachi to take the treasure chest with them. In the end itachi agreed and they stored the treasure chest inside obito's dimension.
a few hour later, a certain thief girl frantically searching for her treasure chest that she hid under the tree. Her hope of buying back her village from the pirate Arlong disappeared along with the treasure chest.

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