after story 17 : white hair sanin

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The food stall of the most famous ramen shop in konoha was more crowded than usual. Four man were sitting on the wooden chairs, chatting with each other to the sound of boiling ramen.

" Add some more meat on my ramen for calling me in a short notice like this." (Old man)

Pain rubbed his head and laugh at the old man that was sitting beside him. The older obito and itachi shook his head, looking at their leader with disappointment.

" Tell me what do you want to achieve, yahiko..."

It had been a very long time since someone used his real name, pain raised his eyebrow asking how the old man knew he was yahiko.

" What do you mean, you look exactly like yahiko but with an extra....piercing....did you joined a bandit group or something?"

There was a crack in the old man's voice as he tried not to laugh. Ah....right yahiko was still alive in this time.....pain sighed, forgetting that this old man knew the younger yahiko.

" There is only one guy that would bait me using a bath house ticket and a photo of sexy girl."

Taking a sip of the sake, the old man's face frowned.

" I don't care why you want to go back into the past, but i need to know how you got that rinnegan."

Sounds of pouring rain became louder as they fell silent, a sigh left pain mouth before he told his story about yahiko and nagato. The old man made three different expression throughout the story, it was hard to believe, but the prove was before him. The akatsuki was real, and nagato was the leader of it, they found a way to cross space and time and arrived here.

" It would sell good as a novel. Sigh, I understand the story now."

The chef put the ramen infront of them, the golden broth and thick meats on the side of the bowl made them hungry.

" Last question, what do you want the future to be?"

Pain turned to the akatsuki and nodded. The three of them had already talked about this when they first arrived in this time. Most of their problem was caused by danzo, and they already deal with him. All of that was for one reason.

" The success of the peace treaty between konoha and amegakure." (Pain)

There would be no pain, no madara, no need for infinite tsukoyomi. That was the only reason pain took itachi and tobi back into this time.

" Sensei you are the only one that know lady tsunade's whereabout, can you call her back in konoha?" (Pain)

Sound of slurping stop as the old man froze and stare at pain.

" I know tsunade is attractive, but she is older than her look."

The old man leaned his body to pain and wishpered those word with wary eyes, looking around to make sure tsunade didn't hear any of this.

" Im not a pervert like you sensei, just make her stay in konoha for a bit. Her medical skills are needed."

Sensing the serious tone in pain's voice, the old man straightened his back and nodded.

" I will see what i can do."

It was a request from his disciple, there was no way he could rejected the request.... definitely not because of the hot bath ticket and the photo.

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