Ch18 : return of the pun

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Itachi went to a restaurant on the enies lobby to meet up with pain and tobi. He enetered the restaurant, pain and tobi were already there. Pain was stirring his ice tea and tobi was blowing his hot cocoa. Pain turned his head and waved at itachi. Itachi sat down beside pain and ordered a green tea.

" Sorry im late" (itachi)

" Nah, you are not late. Anyway, have you done your job ?" (Pain)

Pain asked itachi while drinking his ice tea. Itachi nodded his head while placing few scrolls on the table.

" Wow, thats quite a lot of stuff. Ah i just remember, they said that they captured a devil child or something like that? Do you have any information about it?" (Pain)

" Yeah, i was the one that escort them to their prison." (Itachi)

The restaurant waiter place the tea on the table, itachi gave a light bow to the waiter.

"I heard she got a huge bounty on her head? Is she that bad?" (Pain)

Itachi shook his head, and explain the truth in small volume.

" No, have you heard about the ohara incident?...short story, they knew a bit too much about the world goverment and the world goverment eliminate them. That girl is the only survivor thanks to a certain admiral." (Itachi)

Itachi was reminded of the letter in the book. Pain and tobi nodded their head as they heard itachi's story.

" You remember the strawhat pirate i told you? Currently she is a temporary member of the strawhat pirate. There is a chanc- scratch that im sure they will come to save her." (Itachi)

Itachi was reminded of the strawhat pirate when they were fighting arlong to save nami. Their camaraderie was more than just a pirate crew. They would go into hell just to save their friends.

" Interesting..." (Pain)

The waiter went to their table with a bowl of french fries. Tobi eyes eyes sparkled as he took one of the fries.

" Its a shame we have to destroy this place soon. This place have a lot of good place to visit." ( Pain)

He took one of the fries and ate it.

" Is that so?" (Itachi)

Itachi aksed urging pain to continue his sentence.

" Yeah, there is a shopping district not far from here, they sell almost everything there. You gotta see to believe it. " (Pain)

Tobi chocked on the french fries. His leg was shivering for some reason.

" Is that so. I do need to buy a few thing, i gotta see for my self later." (Itachi)

Itachi's word sent a shiver down tobi's spine. His heart rate went up as he remembered some unpleasant memories.

" Btw how about the paper bomb, have yo--..-.---..--." (pain)

Tobi used both of his hand to covered his ear, the sound. Their voice turned muffled, his breath became short and heavy. Tobi closed his eye, as his painfull memories began playing one by one.

A certain huge white bird hovering above him, it flew several rounds before taking a sharp dive at tobi. The white bird exploded near tobi and his enemies.

Another time, a small white spider crept up tobi's back and exploded near his butt as he was about to sat down.

And the most recent one, his alarm got replaced by a white cute teddy bear. The white teddy bear exploded and woke him up, just like what an alarm did.

Pain and itachi stopped talking and focused their attention on tobi. Pain asked tobi out of concern, tobi didn't reply. A waiter went to their table with a white tray on her hand. She took the plate and place it infront of tobi. A highclass katsu made by profesional chef.

"Oh, look tobi your order has come, that katsu look delicious. This food is trully a piece of art" (Pain)

Tobi's whole body was shaking, two word kept spiralling inside his mind.


[Because explosion is art, Katsu!!!!]

A certain blonde hair explosion maniac appeared on his memory.


Tobi curled up into a ball with teary eye. He did miss his partner but for now he didn't want to hear anything that start with c that could explode.


I really should stop making bad pun lol

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