Ch 29: notice his pain

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Pain took a light nap after drinking his medicine. He woke up, his headache was gone and his body felt a lot lighter, the medicine works wonders.

Pain got up from the bed and stretched his arm.  He pushed the door and went outside to the deck of the ship. A beautiful golden sky reflected on the sea, and the sun peeking from the horizon.

" Ah its already afternoon" (pain)

He rub his stomach, he felt slightly more hungry than usual.

" Its not afternoon, its morning. You slept for twelve hour yesterday." (Itachi)

Itachi went to his side with a piece of sandwich in his hand. Pain staring at itachi, to be precise itachi's sandwich. Itachi got slightly irritated by pain's stare.

" What? You want this sandwich?" (Itachi)

Pain's face brightened in that instant, he nodded his head while wiping his drool. Itachi smiled and offered his sandwich to pain.

" Ah thank you" (pain)

Pain brought the sandwich closer to his face, he took a bite from the sandwich. Texture of the soft bread combined with the crunchiness of the fried fish brought pain in tears, the soft lettuce and slightly sour tomato balanced the taste of the fish. The sandwich was gone in a second, pain felt somesort of emptiness even though he just fill his stomach.

" How was the shark sandwich?" (Itachi)

Itachi asked with innocent face.

" Its good" (pain)

Pain said while licking his finger.

" hn, It was quite expensive afterall" (itachi)

Itachi said while smiling at pain. At this point pain felt a devil licking his waist, to be exact his wallet. Pain turn his head like a rusty machine.

"Um, tell me who payed the bill? (Pain)

Itachi gave a very refreshing smile while pointing at pain. Pain took out his wallet and checked the content, there were only nine berries left. He felt a sharp pain, not on his body but on his wallet.

At first he thought his body was slightly lighter than usual, but it turned out to be his wallet that was slightly lighter than usual.

"Hn, thank you for the shark" (itachi)

Itachi left the ship with a small smile, pain followed from behind walking slowly like a zombie.

On the beach, the strawhats pirates and tobi were having a party. Five giant grilled shark were displayed on the table. The strawhats pirates and  tobi were eating the shark with smile on their face.

Pain's staring at the scene with ghastly face. His money was turned into shark and was eaten by them, in short they stole his money.

They noticed pain and waved their hand at him.  if only they also noticed the pain in his heart and wallet, pain thought in his heart.

Sanji walked closer to pain with a bowl of shark soup. Pain recieved the bowl with tearful eyes, not from happiness.

Luffy took a whole shark and put it inside his mouth, earning the cheers of the peoples there. Pain was angry but he didn't want to spoil the atmosphere, so put on a fake smile and played along with them.

In the middle of the party, Franky went on stage and thanked akatsuki on behalf of the straw hat pirates. He also said that this party was sponsored by pain which earned a glare from pain.

Farnky brushed off pain's expression as him being a tsundere type and continued his speech. He said that the strawhats pirates will return the favor by treating them to a meal tommorrow night. The crowed broke into cheers, as nami face distorted in fear. Franky ended his speech with a long and loud super dance. luffy, chopper and tobi joined in the dance making the party more chaotic. The party went on without realising a certain green hair samurai was missing.

" Where am i" (zoro)

He asked confusedly as he sat at the back of the cell, infront of him a group of marines stood just as confused as he was.

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