after stories 22 : statue

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Inside a cave, an old man with white hair sitting on a throne at the root of a giant statue. He raised his head when he heard footsteps approaching on him.

" They are here."

Zetsu raised up from the ground beside the old man, his eyes staring at the three ninja infront of him.

" So you are the one that sent danzo here."

The sharingan on the old man's eyes turned into mangekyo, studying the three ninja wearing a black robe with red clouds.

Two of them are uchiha based on zetsu's information, one of them had a short hair and one sharingan the other one had a long hair with a pair of sharingan, and the last ninja with Orange hair and blind fold must be.....their bag carrier.

" I take it your goals for coming here is to take my sharingan like those fools."

The old man said in deeper tone.

" Nope, we are here to defeat you." (Pain)

Never had he expected someone to challenged him like that.

" You are braver than you look. Tell me your name brave ninja with blind fold."

" Pain of the akatsuki."

Perhaps the name of madara had been burried in the past if a random shinobi like this orange haired guy could speak direspectfully to him.

A grin curved on pain's face, knowing he got madara's attention. The other member of the akatsuki stared at pain with hesitation. Last night pain told them about the plan, and got rejected instantly. They might destroy konoha if they failed, but pain told them that he had a second plan that would make sure konoha's safety if the plan failed.

" Now, Planetary devastation" (Pain)

The ground cracked, floating toward the sky with black zetsu inside it. Madara realised that they were aiming for black zetsu and not him.

" Good plan, but its not enough to beat me."(black zetsu)

A head poke out from the stone, as a zetsu he could pass any ground and escape easily. His smile dissapeared as a shadow fell onto him, he looked back and saw a giant hand wrapped its fingers on the stone that he was in.

The ground rumbled raining dust on them, madara turned his head and saw gedo mazo behind him moved grabbing the stone with zetsu inside it and threw the stone into its mouth. Closing its mouth shut, the zetsu had no chance to escape anymore.

" What happened?" (Madara)

Madara looked at gedo mazo with his mouth opened, using this chance obito ran toward gedo mazo and teleported together with the statue to his dimension using kamui.

The last part of the plan was for itachi to trap madara in genjutsu while pain sealed him with planatary devastation. Itachi managed to trapped madara inside genjutsu but he couldn't maintained it long enough for pain to seal madara.

A blue sword pierced out from inside the rock, splitting the small moon in half. A pair of blue wings spreads as the giant flew in the sky, staring down at itachi and pain.

Blue armor covered its entire body, a blue sword held on its right hand, and at the head of the giant stood madara staring them with his sharingan.

" Haa...haaa.....not too bad, it has been a long time since i have to use susano'o."

Madara said as he swung his sword, a part of the forest was gone from a single strike. Itachi used his own susanoo to protect pain.

The cloud of dust dissipated, madara curved his mouth at the sight of a red susanoo infront of him. Itachi...what a talented uchiha.

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