The frog of happiness

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At the same time, somewhere in naruto world an old man with white hair stood at the front gate of the village. He waved his hand at the two man guarding the gate.

The white hair man planned to head straight to the bath house to continue his research. But he change his mind after remembering his objective coming back to konoha.

The man jumped from roof to roof until he arrived at the hokage office. He lightly knocked the window a few times. Suddenly several anbu appeared, drawing their weapon at the white hair old man.

The hokage sighed and turned his body toward the unexpected guest. The hokage waved his hand telling the anbu to lower their weapon.

" You should use the door jiraya." ( 3rd Hokage)

Jiraya laughed as he came into the office. The third hokage sat on his chair and continued clearing the huge pile of paper infront of him. It took him half an hour to clean the table. Jiraya sat down infront of the hokage, he was glad he refused the hokage title.

" So, what do you want to talk about?" (Third hokage)

The third hokage asked. His voice sounded very tired. He got huge bags under his eyes, as if he hadn't slept for weeks. Jiraya decided to shortened his report for the old man sake.

" Its about the akatsuki, they suddenly stopped their activity." (Jiraya)

" Why? " ( Third hokage)

The third hokage narrowed his eyes.

" From what i heard, two of their member and their leader suddenly dissapeared. "(Jiraya)

The hokage froze for a second. He took a sip of green tea to calm his mind. The disapearance of the akatsuki could meant two thing.

One the akatasuki had been disbanded, and two they were planning to do something secretly in such a degree that even jiraya couldn't track.

" Akatsuki is such a pain in the ass." ( Third hokage)

The third hokage had already have a lot of problem on his hand. Problem about danzo, the recent uchiha massacre, his stupid idiot snake student, and now the akatsuki.

" Hey jiraya, do you want to be a hokage? " (Third hokage)

Jiraya shook his head, his eyes were focused on a certain book on the hokage's book shelf. A book that was hidden cleverly, but still jiraya would noticed since he was the writer of the book. The hokage followed jiraya's line of sight and realised that he forgot to hide the book.

" Ahem...if you become the hokage you will get a free pass to every bath house in the world." ( Third hokage)

The third hokage managed to gained jiraya's interest. Jiraya was about to nodded but he stopped after looking at the giant moutain of paper stacked neatly beside the wooden desk.

" Nope, never. I love my current job thank you." ( Jiraya)

The old man sighed.

" By the way, how is minato's son doing? " ( Jiraya)

It had been seven year since the kyubi tragedy. It was a tragic day where they lost the fourth hokage, and the jinchuriki of the nine tail. And that was also the day where a certain child born into this world, the child of prophecy.

This day was naruto's eight year birthday, jiraya had choosen this day to came back to konoha for that exact reason.

" Im sorry. I couldn't do much for naruto, i failed both minato and kushina." ( Third hokage)

The third hokage bowed his head, too afraid to looked at jiraya's eyes. He want to gave naruto a better life, a better house. But he couldn't do those thing without getting people suspicious on naruto's identity.

minato told the third hokage to kept naruto's identity a secret. Naruto was already famous for his reputation as the nine tail jinchuriki, he didn't want to add another thing that could attracted more attention to the boy. Especially it would be dangerous if his political enemies thought that he was close to naruto.

" It was my fault too, i shouldn't have left konoha." ( Jiraya)

The white hair sannin said, trying to reduce the third hokage's guilt. The third hokage wrote something on a piece of paper and passed it to jiraya.

"That is naruto's address, the apartment is five minutes walk from here." (Third hokage)

Jiraya stood up after reading the note. He waved his hand and walked to the door. The third hokage smiled, while waving his hand. the smile didn't last long as he saw another ninja came in and add another paper on top of the paper mountain.

" Kage bunshin no jutsu!!" (Third hokage)

It took three clone to finish half of the paperwork.


Jiraya went to a ramen shop, he was greeted by an old man and a girl. The famous ichiraku ramen is empty right now since it was still early in the morning.

" A bowl of miso ramen please. Ah, could you box that ramen. I want to give it as a birthday gift." (Jiraya)

The old man nodded and began packing the ramen into a beautiful box. It only took a few minutes to finished the order. Jiraya took the ramen box and paid the bill.

Jiraya left the ramen shop and went straight to naruto's apartment. The old man took several deep breath to calm his heart. He began practicing his introduction in his mind.

What should he said to the boy?

'hello naruto im you grandpa, well not by blood but im still you grandpa!!'

He shook his head, there is no way he could say that.

'hello its has been a long time. You might not know me, but i know you naruto. you can call me grandpa jiraya.'

He shook his head again, now he sounded like a stalker.

'i am your grandpa'

He sighed, none of them work. But then again he had never met naruto before, not even once. He regret it, he should have come back sooner.

He slapped his cheek a few times, determination flaring in his eyes. He braced his heart and knocked the door. Anytime now the mini naruto would came out.

Five minutes passed, maybe he is asleep he thought in his heart. He waited for another half an hour, yet naruto didn't came out. He checked naruto chakra and realised that naruto was not at his home.

He kinda felt relieved and sad at the same time. He hung the plastic bag containing the ramen box on the door knob and was about to leave.

He stopped and took a fat frog wallet from his pocket. He put the green frog wallet inside the plastic bag. This is the only thing he could give to naruto.

He walked away with a small smile. Little did he knew, he met naruto on the way out but didn't recognised him.

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