Ch 32: dragon among monkeys

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The place went silent as they stared at garp with ridiculous face. Garp broke the silent with his laughter then proceed to smack luffy on the head.

" That hurts!" (Luffy)

The strawhat boy said while rubbing his head. Garp stood infront of him and snorted. There were mix of dissapointment and proud reflected in his eyes.

" So how is your little pirate group doing ?" (Garp)

Luffy let out a chuckle and stood up.

" Its fun, ah this is my comrade." (Luffy)

He began to introduced his crew one by one. Garp staring at his son with proud yet sad eyes, luffy have a striking resemblance with his father.

" Luffy, do you remember me?" (Coby)

A certain pink hair marine walked to the front and greeted luffy. The strawhat boy narrowed his eyes, his face frowned as he search through his memories.

" Who are you?" (Luffy)

The strawhat said while tilting his head. Coby smiled, the fact that luffy didn't recognize him meant that garp's training paid off or luffy became even dumber than before.

" Its me coby" (coby)

Luffy eyes brightened as he remember his old friend. Helmeppo went to coby's side and introduced himself.

" So he is garp's grandson, you doesn't look like him at all. I mean one of them look like monkey and the other one look like goril- GOUH" (pain)

Itachi kicked pain's shin, unfortunately he was too late. Garp managed to hear pain's question, he turned his head and laugh.

" Wait until you see my son" (garp)

Luffy looked at garp with consfusion.

" I have a father?" (Luffy)

Garp making a dumb face as if he forgot to tell luffy something important.

" Ah, i forgot to tell you. Your father name is monkey.D. dragon" (garp)

Garp said as he cassually dropped another bomb. The crowed when quite when they heard the name.

Itachi's eyes went wide in disbelieve, while pain's eyes went wide picturing a family photo of monkey and a dragon at the center.

" Ehhhhhhh?!! Monkey.D.dragon!!!" (All)

The crowd shouted at the same time. They were shocked by the revelation, especially the marines. Luffy became even more confused, he asked his comrade about his father.

" He is the leader of the revolutionary armies." (Robin)

Robin whispered in low voice, her eyes locked on the marines.

" Oh, it should be a secret. Forget about what i said." (Garp)

Garp said while averting his eyes. A while later they came back to their sense and continued their activity. Some of the marines were talking with luffy, some of them were glaring at luffy, and the akatsuki were talking to garp.

Garp stood beside pain and asked itachi condition. Itachi smiled and said that he already recovered. They cleared the misunderstanding and made peace. They continued talking for awhile, tobi got distracted by luffy action in the middle of it.

The conversation went longer than he thought. Pain felt unconfortable standing beside garp so he moved away from his position.

" You are very strong for your age, especially the orange hair guy. Be proud young man, you took punches from me and survive."(garp)

Garp swung his hand to pat tobi's back. Tobi was caught of guard, garp palm hit his back making a cracking sound.

Tobi lost conciousness for a second, silhouette of rin could be seen pulling his hand to the other side.

Tobi recovered his balance and glared at pain. He wouldn't get hit if he didn't change place with pain. Sanji came out with several plate of foods, they ended up staying there for several hours.

The sky became dark and the marines went back to their post. The akatsuki and the strawhat pirate went inside franky's house. It was a bizzare day for all of them.

Author note :
im sorry, this is the best i can do. my head feels dizzy these few days. Don't worry I'm already planning the next chapter.

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