Ch17 : devil child and the book

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A massive hall filled with tall bookshelf. Thousand of books neatly arranged on the giant bookshelfs. A pair of red eyes shined as he read an old journal book.

His hand gently turned the page as his sharingan memorized the content. A picture of seven seas was drawn as the cover, a journal of a anonymous explorer.

At a glance it looked like a normal old book, but it turned out to be somesort of secret journal left by someone. The words itself were carefully crafted codes, it took itachi a three hour to decipher its content. Each chapter were written by different authors, the book was the compilation of research done by several people. The names of authors written in codes at the bottom of each chapter.

His eyes narrowed at the stories depicted in the book, the terrifying truth about the celestial dragons, the god valley incident, the ohara incident and many more. The book that contain the darkside of the world goverment.

A piece of old note fell from the book. Itachi picked the note and read it. Itachi flashed a sad smile. He closed the book and put it inside a scroll. He moved his hand and attached a paper bomb under the bookshelf.

The three akatsuki split up each of them carried a different mission. Tobi act as a spy while mapping the whole base, pain will gather information from the other captain, and itachi went gathering important data while while sticking paper bombs around the base.

Itachi had sneaked in and stole alot of important books. This library was the last place that he need to check.

Itachi stood up and left the place. He walked down the long white hall way. His mind became alert as he heard a footsteps coming from behind.

" You, the black hair girl over there. Bring these two to the prison on the twelfth floor." (Marine captain)

Itachi ignored the voice and continued walking forward.

" Did you hear me?!! You the marine with black hair come here at once or i will fire you!!." (Marine captain)

Itachi turned his head realising that the marine was calling him.

Did i looked like a girl? Itachi thought in his heart, his face turned into a frown. Itachi walked to the marine officer, his sharingan ready to cast genjutsu on the officer.

" Good, now bring this criminal to the cell on the twelfth floor. I won't accept no for the answer." ( Marine captain)

The marine captain went away two criminals, two buffed marine officer and itachi on the hall.

Itachi sighed at the rude marine captain. He shifted his eyes, observing the said criminals.

A big guy and a tall black hair girl. The big guy only wore a black underwear and a unbottoned shirt, blue hair and a very large hand. Most of his body was made out of metals and gears, he was the first cyborg that itachi saw in this world.

Beside him, a black hair girl stood there casting her face down. Her body covered in black jacket and black jeans.

" Tell me your name" (itachi)

The big guy averted his face in anger refusing to answer itachi's question. On the other hand the girl instantly answered her name.

Itachi eyes went wide as he heard the name. He activated his sharingan to see if the girl was lying or not. Itachi narrowed his eyes, he ended up finding a quite interesting yet traumatic memories.

One minute passed itachi deactivate his sharingan he went close to the girl and wishpered to her ear.

" Stay alive, you will be free soon" ( itachi)

Itachi smiled as he guide them to their prison. Who would have thought that he could meet the author of the book herself. Itachi hid a crow near the prison to keep them safe. He left the tower and returned to their appointed meeting place.

Itachi swore he would fulfill the promise written on the note. The promise made by a marine admiral. A promise the admiral made to atone his sins.

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