ch3: a feast of seafood

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A grey small ship made out of wood floating in the middle of the ocean. white fluffy clouds filled the clear blue sky.

On the ship, tobi was sleeping shirtless on the top of the roof enjoying the view of the vast ocean. Itachi was cooking the fishes they caught a few hour ago. And pain was sitting on the deck holding his head, trying to suppress his sea sickness.

Itachi walked up toward pain offering him a bowl tomato salad and a fish stew .

" You will feel better after eating this stew" (itachi)

Pain took the bowl and placed it on the table infront of him. The stew looked delicious but his stomach was not in the right condition to digest any food right now.

"Itachi, are we lost? " (Pain)

Itachi nodded his head. Pain slumped his head, he starting to regret his decision to sail in this vast ocean.

It was a stupid idea from the start, they went sailing without a navigator. No wonder they got lost now. And now another problem arise, last week they were caught inside a storm. The storm managed to tear the sail of the ship.

Without the sail they couldn't go anywhere. That was the reason they were stucked in the middle of the ocean.

Luckily there were a lot of fish in this ocean, so they won't starved to death. And for the water, pain could use water related jutsu to create water.

They had been randomly drifting in the ocean for one month and he hadn't saw any island. Pain stood up wobbly, he already had enough of this sailing bullshit.

He went to the backside of the ship. He smirked and raised his hand.

"Almighty push" ( pain)

The invisible force pushed the ship forward a few miles. The sleeping tobi got startled and felldown from the roof.

"As expected im a genius" ( pain)

Said pain while admiring his own intelligence. A few second later hundred of fishes floating on the sea lifeless from the impact of pain's jutsu. Itachi could only shook his head while staring at the damage that pain caused to the sea lifes.

"What its killing two fish with one stone, we get to sail and gather food at the same time." ( Pain)

Itachi took off his clothes and dive into the ocean, gathering the fishes with a net made out of vines. A few minutes later itachi came back with a giant net filled with fishes and squid.

"Next time you have to gather the fishes by yourself" ( itachi )
Itachi said while dragging the net to the kitchen.

Pain shruged his shoulder and raised up his hand preparing for another almighty push.

It wasn't the smoothest sail or rather it was the most thrilling sail, one time they even got launched into the sky because pain miscalculated his power. Anyway using pain powered engine they managed to land on an island.

" It will be the last time pain's allowed to steer the ship!!" ( Tobi)

Tobi said while hugging the wooden rail on the ship. Pain smiled statisfied after spamming his jutsu and killing thousand of sea lifes.

Itachi came of from the kitchen with tons of food on both of his hand, the food was stacked ontop of each other, the height easily supprass itachi's head.

"Someone lend me a hand" ( itachi)

Tobi rushed and took some of the plate from itachi's hand. Pain also took some of the plate that has crabs on it and silently put the crabs meat on his mouth, its not stealing a head start, just tasting the crabs....yeah just a little tasting.

They held a seafood feast on their ship before the went into the island.


Tobi used his wood style jutsu to create a long grey table on the ship's deck. The foods was placed on the table one by one, the long table was barely large enough to support all of the plate.

Itachi went back into the kitchen and came out with a giant crab. Itachi took out his katana and threw a giant crab in the air. He drew his katana, a beat later the crab was cut into a hundred square crab meat and fell ontop of a large plate. With that all of the food had been served ontop of the table.

"You may eat now" ( itachi)

The atmosfere became fierce. Once a wise man said that war could take place anywhere, the words was not that far from the truth looking at the situation right now.

The first one to move was tobi, he took the giant crab's plate and swiped half of the meat into his own plate.

" Tobi thats my crab!!"( Pain)

Pain using small amount of his planatery devastation jutsu to pull the crab meat out from tobi's plate.

Tobi's eyes glowed red suddenly the space around the crab distorted sucking all of the crab meat into the hole.

Suddenly a giant red sekeleton hand grab the crab meat and placed them on another plate.
Tobi and pain turned their head facing the culprit.

Standing on the other side of the table was itachi, clad in a giant orange skeleton. His eyes narrowed, glaring at them.

" Our crab, now slow down and eat" ( itachi)

" Yes ma am" ( pain and tobi)

They began eating peacefully, well in the end they got into another fight after they found out that pain had stolen half of the crab meat before they even began the party.

" Come one tobi, i was just tasting the crab" ( pain)

" Yeah, tasting half of our crab" ( tobi)

Tobi replied while pouting his cheek. Pain averting his eyes, searching for a way to bring back tobi's mood.

Pain took the best octopus with his chopstick and put it ontop of tobi's plate.

"Come on man, i won't do it again. Here an octopus, i heard you like tako yaki?" (Pain)

Tobi took a peek at the octopus and averted his gaze again. The good smell of grilled octopus entered tobi's nose. Few second later he surrendered to the temptation and took the octopus with his chopstick. He put the octopus into his mouth, the rich flavor of the seafood spread inside his mouth.

Suddenly a shout was heard from the direction of the island. Tobi went to check the source of the sound while still chewing on the octopus.

On the beach there were a lot of kisames. He rubbed his eyes, on a closer look they were not kisames, but there were indeed 5 fish man that looked like kisame.

And on the very front stand an octopus man galring at tobi, to be exact he was glaring at the grilled octopus on tobi's hand.

"....wanna try some seafood? "( Tobi)

The fishman snapped at tobi's offer and began attacking them.

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