Ch : 28 rest

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Pain slowly opened his eyes, everything seems blurry for a second. He put his right hand on his head to ease his headache. His head felt foggy, he couldn't think straight for some reason.

" Here drink these" (chopper)

There was a small reindeer standing on two legs offfering him a cup of water. Pain rub his eyes a few times, he opened his eyes again and found the said creature still standing infront of him. At this point he already given up on common sense.

He took the cup and expressed his gratitude to the reindeer for helping him. The reindeer waved his hand saying that its a doctor's job to help sick people. The doctor went back into the ship to grab some medicine.

He felt a familiar presence behind him. Pain turned his head and saw tobi carrying a wooden plank on his shoulder.

"Currently, we are repairing the ship. You can help us if you are free." (Tobi)

Pain averted his eyes, and was about to play sick. He stopped on his track and reflect back on their journey up until now.

So much had happened, they had been through a lot of hardship. His heart ached, they could have been spared from those hardship if pain had work a little bit harder.

If only he didn't went easy on vice admiral garp, they wouldn't got injured like that.

if only he came up with a better plan back at enies lobby, they might be able to carry their revenge

and if only they didn't revive him, they wouldn't be transported to another world.

In the end he was always be the one recieving, its not like he hate it. Its just didn't feels great being a dead weight.

Pain stood up, his steps falter. He didn't even managed to reach tobi before falling to his knees. Tobi threw away the wood plank he was carrying and ran to help pain.

" Dammit...." (Pain)

Once again he was helped by his comrade.

" Im just joking, just rest for now. That strawhat pirates have a good doctor on their crew." (Tobi)

Pain casted his sight down. He put his hand on the wooden floor and tried to stand up. He managed to stand up even with shaking feet.

" I can help you. I don't want to be a burden"(pain)

A weak smile flashed on pain's face. Tobi stared at pain for a few second before shaking his head.

" Pain you are not a burden. Incase you didn't remember, you help me at the fishman island and you litteraly saved our life and cured itachi's sickness. Give yourself some credit man." (Tobi)

Pain finally gave in and took the advice. He sat down on the floor giving tobi a defeated smile. A moment later the reindeer medic came out with a bottle of pill on his paw.

" This is your medicine. It may not cure you completely, but it can at least ease your pain." (Chopper)

Pain received the bottle and took a pill from the container. He put the suspicious white pill into his mouth. Bitter, but they said the bitter the medicine the better it is.

" By the way, what pill is this?" (pain)

Pain asked as medicine kicked in. Chopper smiled and answer him.

" Painkiller" (chopper)

At this point pain was sure the doctor had a grudge against him or something. Pain stared at chopper in fear while tobi was laughing in the background.

Im sorry for the long break (;ŏ﹏ŏ), my exam is finally over. I will continue writing this fanfict.

I think i put bit too much pun in this chapter. But again i make this fanfict just for pun- i mean fun!!! (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

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