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After Hanma has taken your hand, he pulls you in the opposite direction of the Toman base. He leads you back through the park in the cold rain and eventually outside of what looks to be a rundown building.

"Yo, Kisaki, I'm back!" Hanma shouts out as he swings the door open.

As you step inside, your eyes almost fall out of their sockets. You've found yourself in one of the most luxurious clubs you've been inside of. You walk forward, admiring the marble columns, gigantic crystal chandelier, round plush sofas, and red chairs as you step through. On the other side of the room is a stage with a peninsula jutting out, finalized with a stripper pole at the end.

"Hanma, why are we here? And why're you calling out to Kisaki?! He's not here, too, is he?" you begin to ask as you continue looking around.

"Ah, hello there Miss Treasurer," Kisaki calls out.

You look up and watch as he walks across the balcony on the second floor. He slowly steps down the large stairs, his eyes perfectly trained on you the whole time.

"What brings you here?" he hums.

"I caught poor Y/N in the rain by herself," Hanma interrupts on your behalf. You could swear you saw a smirk on his lips as he leans his body against yours.

Once Kisaki reaches the first floor he whips off his dry Toman jacket and wraps it around your shoulders. "What were you doing out in the rain?" he asks.

"I wanted to talk to Draken about something but, uh..." you trail off, a bit too ashamed to admit the rest to him.

Kisaki looks over at Hanma, trusting that his closest friend will give him the answer he's looking for.

"We got the fortunate opportunity of witnessing Draken propose to Emma!" Hanma beams, obviously not worrying about your feelings as he speaks.

"Oh? I didn't know he planned on proposing," Kisaki hums. "Did you know? Is that why you went, Y/N?"

If you didn't know any better, you'd think this was a setup by the way Kisaki's almost provoking you to admit the real reason you were there... As if he already knew.

"No, I had no idea," you shake your head, eyebrows knitting together in frustration. If they didn't know by now, they'd be complete idiots. It'd be quite obvious to anyone at this point that you're jealous.

"I get it, Y/N," Kisaki nods as he wraps his hand around your arm. "There's someone I'm quite fond of, too."

You lift your eyes to meet his. This is the first time you've seen Kisaki in this light, actually being somewhat vulnerable. You'd always thought he was cold and distant but perhaps you were wrong. As he gazes back at you, a sympathetic look glows in his eyes.

"I deal with the unreciprocated feelings well, though," he grins. "Want to know how?"

"Sounds almost too good to be true," you scoff. "But I guess I'll take what advice I can get."

"Well then," Hanma's voice booms as he dramatically extends his arms out to the side, "You sure are lucky I've brought you here! The Wisteria Club's great for letting your daily problems fade away!"

You look over at Kisaki, a bit uneasy from the strange way Hanma was speaking. As you do, Kisaki pulls out a spliff and places it between his teeth.

"So?" he hums. "What do you think?"

He then pulls out a lighter from the pocket in the jacket that's still wrapped around you and lights the end of the paper.

"I don't think Mikey would be happy to see us doing this... Does he even know about this, uh..."

{WICKED GAMES} Mitsuya x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now