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Y/N'S P.O.V.

The following morning when you woke up in Mitsuya's house- more specifically his bed- you dashed out of there as quickly as possible. It would have been too embarrassing to let him see you the morning after a horrible night with a raging headache and makeup smeared across your face. Not that it wasn't embarrassing enough that he already got to see you like that already... What if he tells the others about what's going on with you? Mikey will be beyond pissed to see you aren't sober anymore.

Fuck! I hope I never see Mitsuya again!

You flop down onto your bed when you reach home at about four in the morning feeling sorry for yourself. You groan as your body sinks into the bed that's not as soft as the one you were previously sleeping on and serves to piss your off even further.

I should have taken his damn bed with me! Maybe if I do see him again I can beat him up and take his bed. Good plan...

But just as your eyes start to close softly as you think about your fool-proof plan, they shoot open again.

But if I did that, I'll get in just as much trouble with Mikey. Besides, Mitsuya is my friend. I can't do him dirty like that...

This time your eyes close and you fall fast asleep. It's hours later when you're woken to your phone ringing. You lazily lift it from its place in your hand- you hadn't even bothered to put it down before passing out- and check the contact: Hanma. Wiping the drool from your mouth and collecting your voice together, you answer the phone. 

Hanma's probably wondering where the hell I am.


"Where the hell are you?" his voice booms through the speakers quite loudly.

"I'm fine, thanks for asking," you sigh.

"I know you're fine, Y/N. I saw you leave with Mitsuya last night. Didn't think he'd dump you somewhere unpleasant," he scoffs. "You really shouldn't go sleeping around with Toman members, though. It might get back to Mikey and I'm sure you'd hate that."

"Shut up, Hanma! It wasn't like that! What did you even call me for?"

"Whatever," he sighs. "Get your ass down here. Kisaki's meeting with someone important he wants to introduce to you. Besides, my dealer just stopped by," he adds at the end to coax you into going.

You know it's a trap, but still, you give in. "Fine. I'll be there in a bit."

"Hanma, what's going on?" you ask as you approach him by the bar

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"Hanma, what's going on?" you ask as you approach him by the bar.

"Not much," he sighs. "You're lucky, the visitor hasn't arrived yet."

You groan, a bit upset that you rushed just to be early. "Man, I got here so quick all for nothing."

Hanma shakes his head and walks you towards a round booth. He ushers you to sit down before leaving only to return a moment later with two drinks. He then takes a seat beside you and passes one of the drinks to you. With a sigh, you accept it.

{WICKED GAMES} Mitsuya x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now