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The next morning you wake up from your living room couch because of a loud crash of glass breaking from your kitchen. You immediately sit up and stare in that direction half asleep and wondering what you should do next. Once you get past the oh my god, someone's trying to break into my house phase, you grab the unopened bottle of sake from the night before and run into the kitchen.

You wind up the bottle in your hand, preparing to swing, but stopping mid-swing when you realize that it's your guest who's staring at you like a deer in the headlights.

"Y/N!" he stares across at you with a blush that threatens to turn his whole face pink. "Uh, I'm really sorry about that. I didn't mean to make a mess!"

You look down between Mitsuya's feet and see small shards of glace on the floor.

"Oh," you reply, a bit confused about what's happened. You really should have said something else, though. Poor Mitsuya's staring at you like thinks he's about to get kicked out of your house.

"I'll clean it up right away!" 

"No, no, it's alright," you assure him after realizing what's going on in his mind. "I've got it, don't worry."

You grab a hand mop from your closet nearby and scoop up the small pieces. As you stand up and throw the trash away, you think it's a bit strange to see Mitsuya like this- he's usually not this clumsy. He must still not be feeling so well.

"Are you hungry?" you ask as you turn back towards him. "I can make you something and if you're feeling dizzy or anything it might help."

"I'm okay, thank you," he shakes his head. "I was only trying to fill my water when I knocked it onto the floor by accident."

"No problem," you smile. "I'll grab you another glass." You quickly take another glass cup from your cabinet and fill it up with water to hand it over to him. "Want some medicine, too? I've really got a lot if you want some."

"That'd be great," he sighs softly. "I'd really appreciate that."

"Sure. You go sit in the other room and I'll be right in," you tell him before running off to your bathroom.

When you come back, Mitsuya's sitting on your sofa. You take the seat right beside him and toss him a bottle of pills.

"Thanks," he hums as he opens out the bottle and shakes out a few capsules. "I owe you a big apology, Y/N."

"Please, you don't have to do that," you shake your head. "I literally owe you so much. This was really the least I could do to repay you."

"I appreciate it," he nods. "But I still think you deserve at least an explanation."

You really can't deny that. Besides, you'd love to actually know what's going on with him. Ever since that day with the engagement announcements, Mitsuya just hasn't been himself. 

You watch curiously as he places the group of pulls in his mouth and swallows them down with water. "Do you remember that guy from last night?" he asks as he places the items down on the table beside your couch.

You think back to the man from last night... Messy, black hair with intense, red eyes. Now that you think about it, you could swear you've seen this guy before.

"Yeah, I do."

Mitsuya takes in a deep breath and shakes his head in frustration. "That guy is Yuzuha's fiancée."

Your mouth almost drops to the floor as shock hits you like a truck. However, that's not what you were thinking of. That's not where you remember this man with the three silver earrings and narrow, rectangular glasses that serve as the only protection from his burning eyes. It's something else...

"You're kidding?!" you gasp. "What do we do?!"

"Don't intervene," he shakes his head. "Please, let it go, Y/N."

"What?! Why should we do-"

"Yuzuha's happy so we should just leave it alone."

Your eyes narrow as you look at your friend with confusion. This isn't like him at all. Sure, he's not the type to run headfirst into a fight at every little thing, but it's not like him to sit idly by and do nothing either. 

"Our friend is getting cheated on and you think we shouldn't do anything about it?! That isn't fair to Yuzuha, we should..."

Your words trail off as Mitsuya sadly shakes his head.

"You, um, you have feelings for her, don't you?" you ask quietly.

"Yeah," he sighs. "Unfortunately."

You can't help but scoff at the ironic similarity to your own situation. "I'm in the same boat. Guess neither of us has good luck."

Mitsuya does nothing but nod quietly. You sigh and place your head down on his shoulder, taking a moment to pause in the quiet sadness. 

"I think I remember that guy from somewhere else, too," you admit to him. "I think I've seen him before."

When Mitsuya's body tenses up, you know that he knows more than he's letting on. You lift up your head to get a better look at him and unsurprisingly, his eyebrows are furrowed together.

"Mitsuya, what does that guy have to do with Kisaki?!" you ask bluntly.

"Nothing, Y/N," he assures you.

"Oh, come on! I'm not an idiot! What's going on?!" 

"I don't know anything for certain..." he replies cryptically.

"Fine," you scoff as you pull out your phone. "I'll just ask Hanma then. I'm sure he knows what's going on!"

Mitsuya places his hand on your wrist, stopping you from typing in your password.

"Don't do that. You're going to get yourself in trouble."

"In trouble?! Seriously if you're going to boss me around at least tell me the truth! Didn't you say I deserved an explanation!"

"Fine," he grumbles after a moment of thought. "I was trying to spare you from getting even more tangled up in all of this, but I'll explain it to you since you're not giving me much of a choice..."


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{WICKED GAMES} Mitsuya x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now