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After that night you passed out in a complete stranger's arms, Hanma assured you that he'd found you and brought you back him. His story did check out, too. The next morning you had woken up with a pounding headache in your head and your body still clothed in your outfit from the previous night. But at least you were in the comfort of your own home.

Now it's been about a month since you started partying at Wisteria. Despite saying each night that you would never go back while you are half-drunk, you still go. Kisaki doesn't mind the company, you were great for business. Customers loved partying with you.

But soon, you begin to realize that your energy isn't the only reason he's glad you show up. He's let you into his little secret about meetings he holds on the upper level of the club and even invites you in with him. Though every time he has, you've been black-out drunk and don't remember a single thing that he talks about with these VIP clients.

"Yo, Y/N, here ya go!" Hanma smiles as he holds out a fizzing, purple drink to you.

You think nothing of the odd color as you down the whole thing in one big chug. He nods as he watches you place the empty glass down onto the table before you. His hand then reaches low on your back, lowering even further until he's squarely grabbing onto your ass.

He pulls you close to him as he walks you through the club and up the stairs towards the second floor. There, he calls out to Kisaki who turns around and smiles when he sees you.

"Ah, Y/N! How're you feeling?" he asks gently.

"Good," you grin as you take his hand in yours.

Kisaki hums and introduces you to the stranger beside him. Together, the four of you then walk into a small meeting room. Kisaki pulls out the seat beside him, ushering you to sit just like you always do when you're allowed in the meetings.

"So, Y/N, as I've said, this is a friend of mine," Kisaki begins again.

You smile politely as the stranger unbashfully checks you out.

"Why is this so formal then?" you ask, a bit confused due to a spinning head that you try not to let be too obvious to the others.

"I was hoping that he could borrow a portion of Toman's budget," Kisaki explains.

"What?! Why would I do that?! Mikey and Draken will kill me if I made a decision like that without them! Takemitchy and Mitsuya... Everyone else!" you squeak. "No way!"

"Calm down, Y/N," Kisaki says casually. "You don't need to worry about all of that. I'll cover for you."

"Okay... well what does he need the money for?" you ask as you look over at the stranger who's still checking you out. You look away from him quickly, a bit embarrassed that he's still staring.

Kisaki lets out a deep breath. "He got too deep into drugs. He really needs to go to rehab to correct himself," he admits. "If he doesn't go, who knows what'll happen to him."

"What 'bout your mon-" you begin before Hanma leans over your side and pushes your hair away from your ear.

"You could really save this guy's life if you help," he whispers. "Did you say you struggled with addiction before meeting Mikey? Y/N, you're the only one who can help him because you're the treasurer. You're in charge of the budget and money."

Chills run down your back as his cool breath hits the lobe of your ear. As your frozen in dizzying confusion, Hanma passes an official-looking paper over to Kisaki. He then reaches down in front of you and holds a pen before you.

You look down at the document that Kisaki places on the table before you. You stare down at it, attempting to read it though it blurs more and more as you focus on the print way too small for you to be able to read.

{WICKED GAMES} Mitsuya x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now