thirty one

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The following morning you open your eyes to the surroundings of your bedroom. Not that you're too surprised, it would explain why your back is aching. Seriously, was your bed always this rough?

You roll onto your back and look up towards your ceiling. You try to think back to last night and remember the events of the night before. However, you hardly remember anything from when you got home last night. Not to mention you don't even remember saying goodbye to Hakkai.

You turn back to your side and reach over to your nightstand to grab your phone. The second it lights up you find a whole bunch of texts from your groupchat with Yuzuha and Emma. Your eyes almost bug out of your head when you see that Emma's planning to move up her wedding date.

EMMA: I'm just worried something bad might happen to him :(

YUZUHA: Ken will be fine!

YUZUHA: Besides, it'll be nice to have something happy during all this chaos.

YUZUHA: If you'd like, I can give you my location for this Saturday. I don't need it anymore...

EMMA: Are you sure, Yuzuha?

YUZUHA: Hell yeah! Who else would I give it to?! Do you think you'd be ready for it then?

EMMA: I think so! I'll go talk to Ken and see what he says <3 Thank u so much!

"Holy crap," you mumble to yourself as you check your phone's calendar for the date. It's already Wednesday.

You stumble out of bed and trudge across your room, ignoring the way your head is still pounding from the night before. When you get to your living room, you find Hakkai passed out on the sofa.

You smile to yourself as you toss a blanket over him. He looks super cute with his mouth hanging open and his arm reaching down to the floor, not to mention the soft snores he lets out as though he's having the best sleep of his life.

You then walk over to your kitchen and make yourself a cup of coffee to hopefully wake yourself up a bit more. Then, while sitting down at your kitchen table, you begin to quietly think to yourself about the day before.

Hanma was casually speaking with Mikey...

Why didn't Mikey treat him like he did with Kisaki?

You slowly take a sip of your coffee with shaky fingers. You grab the cup tightly, doing your best to keep yourself from spilling the drink onto your lap.

And about Chikao... Who killed him? Hakkai said he didn't know.

But Hanma was with Draken, Emma, and Mikey so it couldn't have been any of them, right?

Then, as your mind begins to move on to Emma and the new date of her wedding, your head begins to pound once more.

What the hell is going on? I just can't figure it out. This isn't really over, is it?

Suddenly, there's a sound from your living room and your mind is pulled away from your thoughts. Hakkai then walks in rubbing his eyes and smiling weakly when he sees you.

"Good morning," he yawns as he takes the seat beside you. "How're you feeling today?"

"I'll feel better once this coffee begins doing its job," you chuckle slightly.

Hakkai pauses and nods for a moment before continuing the conversation. You can tell he's definitely still tired out from yesterday. "Got any more?"

You nod and walk off to pour him a cup. When you return you see that his head is buried into his phone.

"Did you see-" he begins as you sit down before ultimately getting cut off by your immediate response.

"Yep, they moved it up."

"Thanks," he hums softly as you place the coffee on the table before him.

"I suppose that dress Takashi made won't go to waste," you comment as you place your cheek against your hand.

"Yeah, good thing you didn't rough it up too much," he teases quietly.

"I still can't process everything that happened from that point on," you sigh. "Why would Yuzuha try to stab Draken?"

As the words leave your lips, you think back to the conversation you previously had with Yuzuha. She did tell you that she'd do anything for Chikao...

"I bet Chikao was behind it," he tells you as he takes a sip of his coffee.

"It's just all so weird," you begin to ramble as you stare into your cup. "Why would she attempt to do that in front of us? Why was Hanma talking to Mikey? What does Chikao have to do with all of this?"

"I'm not sure, but Y/N, you shouldn't worry too much because Chikao's gone," he reminds you.

"Is he really?" you ask as your eyes lift to meet his own. "Did you take his pulse?"

At a loss for words, Hakkai doesn't know what to tell you.

"Uh- sorry," you breathe when you realize you might have gone a bit too far. "I wonder what Takashi would make of all of this..."

"Taka-chan told me he was staying with Yuzuha last night. If you want we can go over and talk to him," he suggests.

He slept there last night?

"Maybe we shouldn't bother him," you sigh. "He's got Yuzuha to take care of."

"Come on, don't say it like that. She is my sister, after all."

"Yuzuha takes care of you, not the other way around," you chuckle, eliciting a small pout from his lips. "Besides, I think it's more important to talk with Mikey and Draken right now."

"They'll both be at the rehearsal dinner Friday night," he points out.

"Good idea," you nod. "We can figure out what's going on then. We'll just have to be careful and make sure everything still runs smoothly for Emma. We can't make too many waves and draw attention to ourselves. Especially if Hanma shows up."

Hakkai nods in agreement. "I bet you he will."

"Knowing him, he wouldn't miss it."


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