thirty four

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On the day of Emma's wedding, Yuzuha stops by your house and offers you a ride to the location. It's not long after that you arrive at a quiet park with a wedding pavilion located on the other end. You spend the rest of your morning helping Yuzuha and Hina with the rest of the preparation as well as making sure that Emma is ready.

When it begins to get close to the start of the wedding, you slip on your dress and stare at yourself in the mirror. You still can't believe Mitsuya made this for you. You really do look quite beautiful. But it does serve to irritate you that the dress looks so familiar like you've seen it before. Perhaps it was in his sketches.

Once you're done, you step outside the small building you were in just a little ways away from the pavilion, and see that guests are now beginning to arrive. You can hardly believe that today is the day, let alone that it's almost time already.

Your eyes soon catch on Mitsuya and Hakkai whose backs are turned to you as they talk to Draken. You can't help but smile; seeing them in suits it's something you're used to but you're not complaining.

"Oh, there you are, Y/N. What are you-" Yuzuha calls as she walks up beside you. "Are you staring at my brother and Takashi?"

You tense up at the phrasing of her question. "When you say it like that it makes me sound like a stalker! They just look nice, that's all."

"They better look nice," she scoffs as she folds her arms. "Mitsuya put his back into making those. I thought it would be nice if Hakkai matched me and Taka-chan- Oh! I just remembered why I came out here. Emma! Come on, Y/N!"

Wait, hold on a second, you think as Emma grabs onto your hand. What was she just about to say?

Nonetheless, you allow her to pull you back into the small building where Emma waits inside now finally wearing her wedding dress.

"Wow," you gasp as you watch her spin slowly in the flowing gown. "You look beautiful, Emma!"

"I see you're ready, too," she smiles as she approaches you.

"We all look good!" Yuzuha giggles. "Come close, group photo!"

When it's finally time, you, Yuzuha, and Hina are each given a pretty bouquet of soft pink flowers and ushered towards the back of the isle

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When it's finally time, you, Yuzuha, and Hina are each given a pretty bouquet of soft pink flowers and ushered towards the back of the isle.

"You should go first, Y/N," Yuzuha beams. Hina agrees, too shy to go first.

"Okay," you nod as you step out onto the aisle. You walk a bit slower than your usual pace as gentle music begins to play. You feel heat rise to your cheeks as you see Draken, and more importantly, Mitsuya, down at the other end.

Mitsuya's eyes are completely blown out, as though he's never seen one of his garments worn before. And for a moment, to you at least, it feels as though he's the only other person there with you. You can't take your eyes off of the way he looks, the soft smile on his face, and the accents of his self-tailored suit that matches the colors of your dress. That is, until you nearly trip on your own two feet as you get a bit too distracted staring at him.

Once you finish your walk, you wait on the opposite side as Mitsuya, though you're sure you can still feel his eyes burning into your skin, making you feel as though you're going to burn holes through your dress. But you wait patiently as Yuzuha and Hina walk next down the aisle and stand beside you. You notice Takemichi's just about in tears as he watches Hina smile back at him. Luckily, Chifuyu and Hakkai are there to calm him down.

"He can't take his eyes off of you, can he?" Yuzuha giggles into your ear, pulling your attention back to the tension between you and Mitsuya. But before you have a chance to say anything back to her, Emma appears at the far side of the aisle, her arm linked with Mikey's.

Just great, now you feel like you're going to be the next to cry. You can already hear Hina and Yuzuha sniffling as Emma and Mikey begin to step closer to Draken. Emma looks like she's trying to keep her composure, too, despite that huge smile she can't seem to stop. As for Mikey, well, he looks as emotionless as ever. He's probably just hoping he can get down the aisle without having a mental crisis.

Once the two of them stop just short of Draken, the two men nod to each other. Emma hugs and kisses her brother on the cheek before stepping before Draken.

You then watch the wedding a bit teary-eyed, genuinely happy for both of your friends. And when the two of them seal their vows with their kiss, the crowd erupts into loud cheering. You, Yuzuha, and Hina jump for joy, it's so satisfying to see everyone smiling and happy for once. It's almost like this never happens.

However, despite the positivity in the crowd, you can't help but get an odd feeling. You look into the crowd and don't see anything that strikes you as off-putting, but unsolicited chills travel right up your spine. It's almost as though you can feel pairs of eyes staring you down. And one thing that you're sure of is that it's no longer coming from Mitsuya.

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{WICKED GAMES} Mitsuya x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now