twenty four

999 51 1

The second you get outside of the casino, you jump up and down with a bright smile painted on your face. "Holy shit, Hajime, I can't believe we actually did that!" you beam loudly as you throw your arms around him.

To your surprise, he hugs you back. "Yeah, you did a good job even though you only won because in typical rules you woulda lost."

"Whatever," you chuckle gleefully. "Thank you so, so much!"

"Don't mention it," he smiles softly as he attempts to shrug you off of him. Once he's got his arms free, he inches closer to his bike and hands you his helmet. "Where to next?"

"I didn't think of that," you mumble as you begin to think quietly to yourself. "Oh! I've gotta call Mitsuya and tell him the good news!"

"Of course you do," Koko rolls his eyes.

You smile, thinking that it was obvious you should call Mitsuya since he's technically your partner-in-crime with all of this. Why wouldn't you call him?

The second that Mitsuya answers the phone you bubble with excitement. "I got 1.6 billion yen!" you shout. Thankfully nobody outside the casino cares. They're probably wallowing in debt and despair. As for Mitsuya, he's completely speechless.

"What do I do now?" you then ask him.

"Go drop off the cash at Kisaki's. I'll call Draken and see what he's up to."

"Good idea! Make sure he's not alone," you grin before giddily saying goodbye and hanging up the phone.

"So?" Koko hums as he waits for you on his bike.

"Wisteria," you hum as you hop on behind him. "I'm going to go meet with Kisaki."

"Alright then, let's go."

As Koko begins to drive off, you can't help the smile that grows across your cheeks as you think how appreciative you are of your brother. You really should have talked to him sooner. It's like a huge weight has been lifted from your chest. However, you still do feel like garbage for the way you treated him back then.

"What're you going to do with the rest of the money you got?" Koko asks curiously when he gets to a red light.

"I don't know," you shrug. "It's not like I really need it."

"Oh?" he hums. "Do you know anyone else that does? Someone that you could give it away to?"

You begin to think back to how Mitsuya explained that the whole reason he got into this mess with Kisaki was because he needed a job. Perhaps this money can help pay for Luna and Mana's tuitions and help start his career!

"Yeah, I think so," you smile to yourself.

"Okay then," he nods before the bike takes off once more.

Just as you begin to near the club, you call Hanma to let him know you're on the way. He tells you that it's fine despite it being in the middle of the day and they're not quite open yet, and in fact says to hurry up so he can see you already. That man's sure got balls.

When Koko stops the bike, he drops you off just around the corner from the club. You hop off and hug him goodbye.

"Thanks again, Hajime," you smile.

"Yeah, just be careful and don't die. If you need any help, you know where to find me," he says a bit hesitantly. Probably feeling a bit awkward since he hasn't said words like those in a long time.

"I will!" you shout as you wave and begin to walk off.

Koko stays and waits until you disappear around the corner. You can hear the sound of his motorcycle zoom away just as you approach the entrance of the club.

After slipping past the overly talkative bouncer, you walk right into the club without a second thought. However, right when you get inside you stop. It's absolutely empty. Sure it's the middle of the day, but you've never seen it like this before. It's almost creepy. But what's even stranger is that there was a ginormous line outside. Are they really that busy?

You walk with purpose right up the stairs to the second floor and knock on Kisaki's door. Since you're expecting no answer just like what happened last time, you push open the door. But unlike last time, Hanma steps in front of you and blocks your way. You jump back in surprise.

A long smirk extends across Hanma's lips. "Already back, Miss Treasurer?" he gleams. "That sure was fast."

"Of course," you grin back. "Anything for you, Shuji."

"God, I love the way you say my name," he sighs as he gently lifts up your chin with his thumb.

"Alright, settle down. Give us the cash, Y/N," Kisaki unfortunately interrupts.

You pull out exactly 200,000 from your stack of cash after being careful they don't see the rest. With a smile up at Hanma, you then pass it to him. He accepts it quite eloquently from you before mindlessly tossing it onto Kisaki's desk without taking his eyes off of you for a second.

He then holds out his hand for you to take and allows you into the groom. When he stops, you've arrived just before a plush seat. He then drops his hand from yours and places it on your cheek. You watch in a mixture of anxiousness and arousal as he leans closer and kisses you squarely on the lips somewhat roughly.

"I'm so glad you got that money," he whisper in your ear right after. "I knew I liked you. Though I've got to admit I was a bit suspicious since I saw you spending a lot of your free time with Mitsuya and Hakkai. You know, those creeps are always up to something. They do keep me entertained, though. But not as much as you."

Right as Hanma's about to lean in to steal a second kiss from you, Kisaki clears his throat and both of your attentions are immediately turned to him. You can't believe you almost forgot that he was in the room, too.

"Good job, Y/N. You can go now. We will take care of the rest," he nods.

Hanma smiles brightly. "Great, now that that's out of the way I can take you on a proper date!"

How the hell are you supposed to get out of this? You pretty much already agreed to be his girlfriend, so what lie could you even propose to shoot him down? Besides, maybe one little date won't be so bad...

"Guess I'm in," you grin back at him.

However, Kisaki once more shoots down Hanma's advances. "No, that's not going to happen right now. There's something I need you to take care of instead, Hanma."

The man beside you pouts before locking eyes with you yet again. "I suppose we'll just have to take a raincheck," he sighs.

"Alright," you reply disappointedly. "I'll be waiting."

His eyes darken as those words fall from your lips. It's unintentional every time, but as he's said before, you sure do entertain him well.

After a kiss on your cheek, you're dismissed from the room. You then walk outside as quickly as you can and immediately dial Mitsuya's number.

"Hey, think you could give me a ride? I'm at Wisteria."

"Hang on, I'll be there as soon as possible. Meet me at the usual spot."


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