thirty seven

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"Super cute the way you and Y/N are matching tonight, Taka-chan," Yuzuha and Hina giggle as I meet up with them.

"That dress you made for Y/N is super gorgeous, Mitsuya!" Hina adds. "You're definitely going to be super famous someday!"

"I know right?!" Yuzuha squeals in excitement. "And it's almost like he designed it right on her body, how the hell do you do that?"

"I don't know," I shrug. "I guess it just kinda comes to me."

"Even when it was the wedding dress," Yuzuha thinks aloud. "It was totally something that Y/N would wear. Like you designed that dress for her, too!"

"You don't have to make it sound like that," I sigh deflatedly at her comment.

"What, so you wouldn't want to see her in a wedding dress? Oh wait, but it kinda already is," she smirks.

"I'll admit that Y/N does look quite stunning in that dress, but I don't know if you should phrase things like that," I tell her as my cheeks begin to heat up in embarrassment.

As the two girls smile at each other, I look over at the table where I saw Hakkai, Souya, and Y/N sitting. However, Y/N isn't sitting with the two of them anymore. It makes me a bit nervous that she's gone off without Hakkai even suspecting anything. I excuse myself from the girls and take off to look around for her.

Eventually, I spot a man with wild black hair and glasses shielding his burning red eyes from burning through. I recognize him right away as Chikao and take off, chasing him through the crowd.

I follow him until he's about to step into the hallway where he stops for some reason. I notice that he's got one hand on the doorknob, but in his other hand he's got a gun pointed right in my direction.

"Calm down," I call out to him as I put up my hands. "There's no need to shoot at a wedding."

"I don't give a shit 'bout this wedding," Chikao scoffs. "It's about time your annoying little group dies out, though, that's all I want. Think you could humor me with that?"

Just as my lips part while I try to come up with some answer for him, there's a sound of a gun booming from the room behind him. Only a moment later, the door opens up. My eyes widen when I see a person now standing behind Chikao, panting heavily. It's Y/N and in her hand is a pistol.

Where the hell did she get that? Did she just shoot someone?

With a deep inhale and hardly any hesitation, she aims her gun down towards Chikao's back and shoots him. In an instant, the whole reception breaks out in a panic with screaming and yelling. When I look around, I notice that fighting has now broken out in the room. All of those Otsuda guys must have been hiding amongst the crowd and they've now begun trying to fight the rest of us. It's no wonder we didn't recognize some of these guests.

However, as I look over towards Mikey and Draken, I see that they've already taken down a bunch of people. They look prepared, too, were they expecting this to happen?

At the same time, Chikao falls onto his knees and clutches his stomach where Y/N had just shot him. My mouth drops as she now comes fully into my vision, still dressed in that beautiful dress, just with the added accessory of a gun. I can't believe I just watched her do that...

"We're even now," she smiles. "You saved me last time so it's only fair."

I let out a deep breath, how is she so exceptionally perfect even after she's just shot someone? I've got to do all that I can to protect her from this part out. I don't know who else might be after her.

I grab her hand and bring her to where Hina, Yuzuha, and Emma are huddled together. I tell Y/N to stay there with them, but the second I turn away and look back, Y/N is completely gone. I should have expected that she wouldn't stay in place when she could help out the rest of the group. It looks like she's given Yuzuha the gun to protect herself, too. I hope she'll be alright.

It's not until after the fighting is done that I see Y/N again. I meet up with her, Mikey, and Draken once the Otsuda gang is completely taken care of.

"We're not idiots," Draken huffs a bit out of breath. "We knew something was going to happen, we just didn't know what it was. Besides, we never got to see the so-called 'dead bodies' for ourselves."

"Y/N," Mikey changes the conversation, "What happened to Hanma? You were the last person to see him, right?"

"Yeah," she nods. "I shot him in the chest but he just ran away like nothing even happened."

"Did he have a bulletproof vest?" I ask her, resulting in a nod at my correct guess.

"It shouldn't matter anymore. Hanma and Kisaki no longer have the Otsuda gang to back them up anymore," Mikey interrupts.

The four of us look around and notice that there are a bunch of guys laying unconscious on the ground of the reception hall.

Draken sighs. "I hope Emma won't be too upset at me for this."

"She won't be," you assure him. "She understands and is worried about you. I'd go talk to her if I were you."

"Good idea," he nods. "Thanks, Y/N. See you guys later."

As Draken walks off, Mikey gathers the rest of the group and shares the good news about the Otsuda gang's defeat. The entire room then echoes with cheers and shouts. I turn to Y/N and see she's got a big smile on her face. As her eyes meet with mine she throws her arms around me. Soon after, an even greater weight is added to my shoulders as Yuzuha and Hakkai throw themselves on top of Y/N and me, joining the hug.

"This is so great," Yuzuha sighs. "Now we don't need to worry about those jerks anymore!"

 "Now we don't need to worry about those jerks anymore!"

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{WICKED GAMES} Mitsuya x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now