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You arrive at a small black building with a for sale sign in the front window just a few minutes later. However, it strikes you a bit strange to see that the windows are all covered and boarded up with wood.

"What's up with the windows?" you ask as you take off his bike helmet and place it onto the spot you had been sitting.

Mitsuya sighs. "I brought Baji here when apparently he was in a bad mood, that was a bad idea. And Kazutora wasn't a big help when I realized we couldn't get in and he smashed a hole in the glass part of the door."

"Oh god," you laugh at the thought alone of that scene replaying in your head. "Good thing nobody knows it was you otherwise the owners probably wouldn't sell to you... There are no cameras around here, right?"

"You're right about that," he smiles softly as he walks towards the doors. "I don't think there are any cameras though. But, I take it was Baji and Kaztora's sign of approval I guess."

Mitsuya chuckles to himself as he places his hand through the broken glass of the door and unlocks the entrance. You then follow closely behind him inside of the empty building. It's super dark since the windows aren't allowing light to shine in, but the place certainly looks a lot bigger on the inside than the outside.

"Wow, this place is really nice," you whisper breathlessly as you spin around to check out the space.

"I agree, I think I really like it, too."

As he talks to you about the space, you can almost imagine how everything will look once he sets it up, it only needs a bit of fixing after all. And knowing him, the two of you together will put in a lot of work to make it look beautiful.

"So have I got your seal of approval, too?" he asks as you turn to face him.

"Yeah, it's amazing," you smile.

"You know, none of this would be possible without you. I really appreciate it, Y/N," he hums as he steps closer to you, narrowing the gap between your two bodies.

"It's really nothing," you tell him as you take your hands in his. "You don't need to keep thanking me."

Mitsuya sighs as he places his forehead up against yours. "What would I do without you?" he hums.

"I ask myself the same thing," you grin.

Mitsuya hums softly as he lifts up his head and tilts it to the side slightly before catching you off guard and kissing you. Though you weren't expecting it, you quickly kiss him back. He places his hands around your waist and pulls you close, pressing your chest against his. You wrap your arms around his neck as you quietly wish for him to give you more of his touch.

He backs you up until you reach the side of a counter. He gently lifts you up and sits you down on it. "I wonder what I'll keep over here," he teases. "Maybe a pretty model like you so I can be distracted all day long."

"It might be smarter to keep the register here," you correct him, "though I wouldn't mind staring back at you all day either."

"Oh yeah, that's not a half-bad idea," he smiles softly.

"With the poor organization skills you just demonstrated you really might need an assistant to keep you company here," you tease.

Mitsuya hums in agreement. "If only Mikey would let me have you," he sighs.

"I'll put together an updated resume and get back to you on that," you chuckle before kissing him once more.

As he kisses you back, one of his warm hands presses against your thigh, squeezing gently at your clothed skin. It's not harsh, but it's enough to send a spike of desire throughout your nervous system.

"You really are the best person ever," he admits. You smile back, though you think he should be saying that to himself instead.

When he softly swipes his tongue across your bottom lip, you part them and allow your tongue to gently tangle against his. Your hand once more lifts into his hair, playing softly with it for a few minutes until he pulls away.

"I almost forgot," he whispers quietly. "There's one more stop on this date."

"It just never ends," you smile. "Not that I'm going to complain about that."

"Good," he grins. "I don't want it to end either."

"So, where are you taking me?" you ask between a few shorter kisses.

"I'm sorry, Y/N," he apologizes as he pulls away once again, "but it's a surprise."

He then reaches around your waist and helps you down from the counter. You can't help but get lost in thought for a second as you attempt to rationalize where he could be taking you next.

"Oh?" you eventually hum in response once you're standing on your feet. "It must be something super important then."

"It sure is," he nods as he takes you by the hand and begins to guide you out of the store.

You wonder what could possibly be more important than starting up his own business. But you don't pry any further as he leads you outside and shuts the door to the building as though he was never even there. He then tosses you his bike helmet out of pure instinct by now after all the times he's given you rides, especially after you totaled your own motorcycle.

"We've got a bit of a ride to Shibuya," he tells you as you mount the bike behind him.

"Shibuya?! What, why there?!" you ask, a bit confused as to what's out there.

"I already told you, it's a secret. Just hold on!"

You sigh as you wrap your arms comfortably around him. "Ready," you then whisper as you lean yourself against his warm back.

His motorcycle instantly takes off, zooming you to your mysterious destination in Shibuya.

His motorcycle instantly takes off, zooming you to your mysterious destination in Shibuya

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{WICKED GAMES} Mitsuya x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now