twenty eight

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"So, uh, Y/N went home," I tell the group as I walk back into the house. But what I find inside is an even odder sight than what happened outside. Emma and Draken are arguing about dresses and Taka-chan's breaking his back cleaning up every speck of mud and dirt on my sister's dress like it's his fucking job- which it's most definitely not.

As for my sister, her eyes are blown wide open as though she just witnessed something absolutely horrendous. She wouldn't actually try to stab Draken, right?!

Only a moment later, Draken and Emma announce that they're taking the rest of the day off and are leaving for the day. Yuzuha only nods, not giving a verbal goodbye which is a bit unlike her.

"Alright, I think I got most of them out. You should probably go and change," Taka-chan tells Yuzuha once the couple has left.

"Okay," she whispers before running up the stairs in that long dress. It's a miracle she doesn't fall.

Taka-chan then walks over to the couch and sits down with a loud sigh. I walk over and sit beside him in an awkward silence as I try to think up what to say. However, he's the one who ends up speaking first.

"Y/N's crazy... Right?" he asks as though he genuinely can't answer that question for himself and needs to be convinced of the answer either way.

"Yuzuha wouldn't stab anybody..."

Once the words fall from my lips the two of us meet eyes. It's obvious we're both thinking back to that incident all those years ago at the Christmas Conflict.

He then puts his hands on his head and hides his face from me. "No, Y/N was just overreacting. She was seeing things, she didn't know what she was looking at," he begins to ramble, sounding a bit like I did when I talked with Y/N, only crazier.

"Well, you know, there is a way to find out..." I point out, though I really don't want to actually accuse my sister of stabbing our friend.

Suddenly, Yuzuha interrupts by running down the stairs before Taka-chan can answer. She quickly zooms past us and grabs her coat and purse. "Sorry guys but I've got to go. I'll be back later!"

"Is everything okay?" I ask worriedly.

"Yes, fine," she huffs as she catches her breath. "I just have to go."

With the smallest wave in our direction, Yuzuha rushes right out the front door.

"We gotta follow her," Taka-chan states with his mind fully made up and determined.

I nod frantically and stand up, ready to go. The two of us quickly grab our things and trail right after her. We zoom down the street, round the empty intersection, and catch up to her trailing just far enough that she doesn't notice us following.

Soon we arrive at the construction site of the Otsuda hideout. We really shouldn't be surprised, but this does confirm our suspicions.

"Shit, shit, shit, she did try it," Taka-chan mumbles to himself.

"Goddammit, not my sister... What the hell," I curse as I stare down at my hands tightening around the handlebars of my bike before looking over at Taka-chan. "What do we do?!"

He gets off his bike and crouches down. "Come on, let's go see what's going on."

I nod and follow after him. As we get close to the building we hear screaming followed by the sound of a strong kick that impacts against flesh. We kneel below the window we had peeked in last time to spy on Y/N. But this time, we're even more surprised to see her in there.

Just as I'm about to gasp, I cover my mouth to prevent any sounds from escaping. My eyes can hardly believe that I'm seeing Y/N tied to a wooden chair with duct tape around her stomach, legs, wrists, and mouth.

Kisaki punches her square in the face causing her to let out a muffled shriek. "We told you not to intervene! And after all that trouble to get the money for us you had to go and ruin it, you stupid bi-"

"Alright, alright," Chikao walks up slowly with a sadistic smirk plastered on his face. "You don't have to torture her like that. Just kill 'er quick and let Yuzuha try again. Nobody else believed a word she said."

Did that piece of shit put cameras up in my house?!

"No!" Yuzuha yells as she pushes her way through the crowd to get to Chikao. "This is going too far, leave Y/N alone! She's my friend! It was my fault, not hers!"

"Don't care," Chikao grins down at Y/N before kicking her in the face with absolutely no hesitation.

My blood is absolutely boiling. I'm about to stand up and say something stupid, but luckily Mitsuya grabs me by the arm and tugs me back down.

"No, there's too many of them," he whispers until his ears catch on Hanma's laugh and he stops speaking.

We then lift our eyes and see Hanma get up from his spot of sulking in the corner. He pushes Chikao right out of the face and leans down to hover right over Y/N's face.

"It's not fair, we never even got to go on our date," he sighs as he gently grabs Y/N by the face, forcing her to look up at him. "But damn do I love that killer look you've got in your eye right now. Go on, princess, kill me... Well, nevermind, looks like you're going to die first."

"That damn bastard," Taka-chan growls so deeply that he's grinding his teeth together. I've got to calm him down before he becomes the one to do something idiotic. Geez, for a guy who's got a thing for my sister he sure is getting all worked up for Y/N.

"It's time," I whisper to him. "Let's go. We've got to tell Mikey and the others."

He looks at me darkly for a moment, still pissed off about what's going on inside, but then his face softens. "What if Mikey doesn't want to help?" he asks.

"What the hell? Why wouldn't he!"

"Mikey's gonna be awfully pissed when he finds out all the shit Y/N got herself into after promising she wouldn't..."

"Yeah, and we'll be in deep shit, too," I scoff. "Who cares?! We need his help, let's go!"

"Fine," he grumbles. "Get to the bikes. I'll meet you there."

With that, we both run at our own paces and race over to Toman.

With that, we both run at our own paces and race over to Toman

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{WICKED GAMES} Mitsuya x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now