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Y/N'S P.O.V.

"So now what?" you ask after hearing Mitsuya's story. "How can we prove that Yuzuha's fiancée is connected to Kisaki?"

You're still sitting next to him like you were before, just with a head full of more confusing thoughts than you ever thought possible.

"I'm not exactly sure," he shrugs. "I've got no leads."

"Well we need to do something! Break them up or tell Yuzuha what's going on! She deserves to know at least," you say as you nod your head, convincing yourself that what you've suggested is the best next move.

"No," Mitsuya replies, shaking his head side to side. "Yuzuha's happy and there's nothing to suggest he's bad for her. We should just leave them alone."

You cross your arms, narrowing your eyes in disagreement. "I don't think you should let your feelings for Yuzuha and their wedding dictate that..."

His eyes widen as if you have huge balls bringing up his feelings for her right now. "That's the opposite of what I'm doing, Y/N! I'm trying to not let my feelings get in the way!"

"As Yuzuha's friends at least we can't just let her be with some suspicious ass guy that she hardly knows, don't you think?"

Mitsuya sighs, still not seeing things from your perspective. "If she hardly knew him, she wouldn't be marrying him, you know."

"Fine," you scoff. "Then don't come with me but I'm going to talk to Yuzuha. We're friends so she'll talk to me about how she met him and what he's like. If we can just get a feel about the guy then maybe-"

"Seriously, Y/N, butt out!" he groans. "I wouldn't go up to Draken and ask him why he's marrying Emma."

"Because we know Emma!" you argue back. "We don't know who the hell this Chikao guy even is! He could be a murderer for all we know! Not to mention he's working with sketchy-ass Kisaki," you scoff. "That's enough red flags for me to realize that something needs to be done."

Mitsuya only scoffs in response. You think back to that day you were first introduced to Chikao, not that you knew it at the time how important he was, but maybe if you can think hard enough, you can remember something important... You had to sign those papers, supposedly just to help a friend out. That was total bullshit. Why did Chikao have to be there for that?

Your eyebrows knit together as you concentrate back on that day. However, nothing out of the ordinary comes to your mind. You can't blame yourself, though. Hanma had made sure you were super fucked up before going into that meeting.

"Hey, Mitsuya. What was Chikao doing that day I signed that b.s. paper for him and Kisaki? I know you were there, don't deny it. I saw you."

"Yeah, I was there," he sighs. "I was trying to get some kinda information on them, but I ended up with nothing. It's just more evidence that Chikao and Kisaki are plotting something, but not anything to do with what they're plotting or who Chikao is."

"So you do care!" you beam.


You smirk as a plan begins to formulate in your mind. "Alright, fine," you sigh. "Want me to give you a ride home?"

"If it's not too much trouble, yes please."

"Noooo," you smile. "Not at all! It's never a problem for you, bud."

Your smile widens as you stand up and walk away with the excuse that you're going to change your clothes.

"But there is someplace I need to stop off at first..." you hum just quiet enough that Mitsuya doesn't hear you as you leave the room.

" you hum just quiet enough that Mitsuya doesn't hear you as you leave the room

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A few minutes later, you and Mitsuya hop on your bike. You don't say anything as you drive, but he quickly picks up on the fact that you're heading the wrong way.

"Where are you taking me, Y/N?" he sighs.

"Just a quick detour..." you hum. "To-"

"Yuzuha's," he finishes for you, sighing.

"Sorry, Mitsuya, but I want to talk to her. I'll be subtle. I promise. You don't even have to come in if you don't want to."

"Alright fine," he groans. "I'll go with you. This better be quick."

"It will," you smile, "and then you can go home and go back to feeling sorry for yourself since you won't take my advice."

"Ouch," he deadpans. "But you know, you could have at least let me shower first before bringing me to see her."

"Ohhh so that's what that smell is!" you tease.

Mitsuya jabs you in the side with two of his fingers. You let out a shocked gasp and involuntarily serve the bike almost into oncoming traffic. Luckily, Mitsuya steadies it by pressing his back into yours and placing his hands on the handlebars, over top of your own.

"Don't be so reckless," he hums in your ears. "Focus on your driving, Y/N."

After a brief wave of chills travel down your spine beginning in your ear from where he whispers to you, you furrow your eyebrows in frustration since he's the one who started it.

"Okay, I see how it is... Jerk!"

Mitsuya chuckles. "That's the least you deserve for tricking me!"

"Tricking you is severely insignificant against dying in a car crash!" you shout.

He smiles to himself as he slowly removes his hands from over top of yours. He leans back and runs his hand through his hair as he contemplates your argument.

"Yeah, alright. But if you can't drive, pull over and I'll do it."

"Oh please, like I'd ever let you drive my bike! In your dreams, you jerk!" you reply as you yell over the sound of the wind increasing while you slowly push your foot down on the gas.

"Oh please, like I'd ever let you drive my bike! In your dreams, you jerk!" you reply as you yell over the sound of the wind increasing while you slowly push your foot down on the gas

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{WICKED GAMES} Mitsuya x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now