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I'm such an idiot, I shouldn't have yelled at her like that. I can tell she's not in a great place right now.

Immediately, I regret what I said to her, but she's been at this club for too long. It's not her fault, but seeing one of my friends like this pisses me off. What the hell kind of drugs have Kisaki and Hanma put her on?!

I narrow my eyes, upset and wishing I could do something. However, I'm just as equally guilty for going to this club, too, so I can't just tell any of the others. I already did that once and Kisaki made sure I'd live to regret that.

Poor Y/N looks seriously confused and hurt by our conversation, but she gets up and listens to me nonetheless. I gently take her by the hand and guide her outside, making sure to get out without Kisaki or Hanma seeing us.

The cool air of the first hours of the morning hits my face as I step out of the club with Y/N. I walk with her along the streets, being sure to stay close. I don't want anything worse to happen to her than whatever she's already been through. Besides, she looks like she's about to fall over any second. Not to mention how she keeps knocking into me accidentally and muttering a nervous apology.

Neither of us says much as we walk. I feel bad for making her walk what must be a long distance for her inebriated body to handle, but she does it quite well. Is she used to this?

"Are you okay?" I ask her. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked before," I add, shaking my head in disappointment of myself.

"No, it's okay. I can handle it..." she mumbles.

"I can call a cab or an uber or-"

"It's fine, Mitsuya," she says as she bumps into me again. "I usually have to walk home by myself at night anyway. It's either that or I have to sleep in the dirty club. Hanma and Kisaki never pick me up and bring me home, the jerks," she mumbles as she begins to trail off. "Well, except one time..."

Y/N then places her head on my shoulder. It's clear she's using up all the rest of her energy to keep going. I slide my arm around her waist to help keep her upright.

"I'm sorry about before," I sigh. "I shouldn't have yelled at you, Y/N."

"It's okay," she yawns.

"It's really not," I shake my head. My grip then tightens around her hip though I don't mean for it to. "It just pisses me off seeing another member of Toman in there looking that way. Kisaki and Hanma shouldn't even have that damn club!"

Besides, I know what it's like to feel like you do.

"Why do you, hiccup, go there then?" she asks.

"I got swept up in it," I shrug, "Just like you."

"I'd like to bet it wasn't just like me," she scoffs.

"Eh? What do you mean?"

"Nothing," she sighs. "I'm just a big idiot, that's all."

I shake my head, disagreeing with her comment. "Mikey wouldn't have let you be Toman's treasurer if you were an idiot."

Y/N looks like she's thinking about something. An even sadder expression glosses over her face. I let it go, I think I've pried into her life enough for one night.

Soon, we arrive at my home. I let go of Y/N and take out my house key to unlock the door. As I turn the lock she looks really confused and backs away. I look over and see a disgusted look on her face as she shakes her head in disbelief.

"I didn't know you were like that, Mitsuya. What the fuck!"

I groan and wordlessly pull Y/N into my house. She knows damn well I wouldn't do anything like that. Besides, where the hell else is she going to go? I'm not going to just let her leave to wander the streets alone.

{WICKED GAMES} Mitsuya x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now