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Ever since Hakkai returned back to my house, we've been waiting in silence to hear back from Y/N. The air is super tense; we're both obviously worried about her. However, all we can do for now is hope that she's alright.

We're both sitting across from each other, me on the couch and Hakkai sitting in the chair. I haven't been paying too much attention to what he's doing, quite honestly. I've got my phone in my hands, constantly turning it on and off as I wait for a call, text, or anything telling me that she's fine.

"Hey, uh, do you think Y/N's alright?" Hakkai quietly asks me out of nowhere.

Though I don't bother picking up my eyes from my phone, I nod to him. "Y/N is smart. She can take care of herself as long as she keeps her head clear."

"So you're not worried then?" he asks a bit cautiously.

Of course I'm fucking worried, did he not just hear what I said? She could get caught or hurt or maybe something even worse!

"Sure I'm worried," I respond as I turn my phone on and check for any new notifications. Nothing.

"Hmm... Okay."

"What's that for?" I huff.

"Nothing," he shakes his head. "I guess I'm still kinda confused. Why are you helping Y/N? You said you didn't want to interrupt Yuzuha's wedding so-"

"We both want to take Kisaki down," I reply bluntly.

"Sure, but, uh, why?" he continues to press.

"What's with all the damn questions?" I groan, a bit on edge. "We're doing this for your sister, you know. Shouldn't you understand that? It is why you're doing this, too, after all."

"So it has nothing to do with Y/N?"

At this point, I finally look up at Hakkai. Seriously, I have no idea why he keeps asking me all these damn repetitive questions. I do see that, for whatever reason, he looks genuinely determined to get some kind of answer out of me.

"No," I tell him. "I want to help Yuzuha and so does Y/N. Besides, she has feelings for Draken."

"I didn't say anything about-"

"Hakkai, Y/N was right. We can't just let Yuzuha marry some random guy from that sketchy ass gang who obviously doesn't have good intentions for her," I tell him. "We're doing the right thing."

After that, Hakkai seems to have nothing else to say to me. I look back down at my phone, frowning slightly when I see that she still hasn't messaged me. What the hell is taking so long?

"Something's wrong," I say to him. "She should have contacted us by now."

Hakkai sighs spiritlessly. "What should we do?"

"Go there."

He shakes his head and rolls his eyes, but agrees nonetheless. "We're going to get ourselves killed, but okay, let's go find out what's up."

I stand up and walk across the room to grab my keys. "Hopefully nothing's wrong and she's just taking her time but I'd rather be safe than sorry."

Hakkai's still quiet and follows me outside without a word. The two of us hop on our bikes and ride side by side to the club. When we get there, we hang out just around the corner giving us just enough room to see the entrance but also be hidden at the same time.

Just as we begin discussing the idea of going into the club, we see Y/N walk out hand in hand with Hanma. We back up a bit more, making sure to stay where neither of them can see. We still watch carefully, however, as he ushers Y/N onto the back of his bike and passes her an incredibly freaky grin as she wraps her arms around him and leans close, probably holding on for dear life. My fists tighten around my handlebars; I knew something was wrong.

"Let's follow them," I tell Hakkai as I rev my engine. "Don't let them get out of your view."

The two of us race off, maintaining a good distance away, but making sure we can see Y/N clearly. That asshole better not let her get hurt with how fast he's going. Seriously, where is he speeding off to in such a hurry?

Eventually, they stop outside this tall-looking construction building that hasn't been completed. We park our bikes across the street, making sure to hide them behind whatever crap we could find. In a hurry, we then dismount and run towards the building that Y/N and Hanma had just walked into.

We duck down just outside of an empty space in the wall that's meant for a window. We peek out, just enough to be able to look into the room. Inside we see a group of about twenty to thirty guys, their eyes all trained on Y/N and Hanma as he guides her across the room.

"Taka-chan, look, their jackets," Hakkai mumbles.

My eyes widen as I get a better look at the crowd and realize they're all wearing exact replicas of that Otsuda jacket we had seen in Yuzuha's room.

"Why the hell is she being brought straight to them?" Hakkai asks aloud as though he was talking to himself.

"She better be one hell of an actress," I quietly reply.

"It's either that or..."

Hakkai ducks back down and looks over at me with worry in his eyes. I bend down to his level and shake my head in disbelief. "No way. She's not one of them. We just have to trust her."

Hakkai glares at me worriedly again before peering back inside. When I do the same, I see that Hanma's slowly trailing his hands down Y/N's sides with a huge smirk on his face. My blood boils as I watch his lanky body bend down to the side of her face and lean in close enough to kiss her on the cheek just before casually whispering something into her ear as if he's done that a million times. As for Y/N, she just stands there and grins quietly back.

"I swear I'll kill him..." I accidentally mutter aloud.


"What? Nothing, keep your voice down!"

"What? Nothing, keep your voice down!"

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