twenty six

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It's been about a week since you handed Hanma and Kisaki the stash of money you won with your brother. And ever since then you've spent each moment of your life trailing behind Emma, Draken, and Yuzuha as they pull together everything they need for their wedding in a panic. Ever since Yuzuha mentioned to Emma that she was having her wedding next month, which is now only three weeks away, Emma decided she wanted an early wedding, too. Neither of them wants anything super crazy, but still, the planning is a lot. You would know, you've been with them through the whole mentally draining process.

Despite a lot of times when Emma and Yuzuha pull you away with them to get things done, you are able to see Hakkai and Mitsuya quite often. The only person you really haven't seen much of is Chikao, not that anyone really cares besides Yuzuha and maybe Emma.

Luckily, today you get to be with the whole group minus Chikao when he sneaks out to go deal with 'work' whatever the hell that means. But as long as you can keep an eye over Draken yourself, you don't care. It's a serious relief when you can watch over him with your own eyes. But it's not like that, you just prefer to see for yourself that he's still got oxygen flowing in his lungs.

Your group is going over popular wedding color palettes at this particular moment after Chikao hired a professional to give Yuzuha some help. You think it's probably to make up for him actually having to show his own face over shit he doesn't even care about.

Anyway, Yuzuha invited your little group over to her place to converse, allowing Draken and Emma to pick through the colors for themselves, too. It's pretty much an unspoken rule that you, Mitsuya, and Hakkai show up as well. You're basically on the wedding planning committee without your consent.

"Isn't it weird?" Hakkai says to you as he pulls the sleeve of your shirt and tugs you into a corner behind the staircase, "You know, that it's been a week and nothing had happened?"

Out of nowhere Mitsuya appears and scares the crap out of both you and Hakkai. "We shouldn't be talking about this in public."

"It's not like we haven't before," Hakkai pouts as he broods over the embarrassing fact that he just got scared by one of his closest friends in front of a girl, no less.

"It is strange though," you admit. "What are they waiting for? Him to be alone? Do they know we've been around him and suspect something?"

"Maybe from Chikao..." Hakkai whispers.

The conversation then goes quiet. Nobody knows quite what to say after that. Suddenly, you get jump scared for the second time within five minutes.

"Boo!" Yuzuha shouts as she places her hands on your shoulders behind you. "What're you guy whispering about?"

"I have a surprise," Mitsuya tells her, saving your asses from having to give the real truth. "That's what we were saying. It's for you."

"No way!" she beams as she wraps her arms around your neck, beaming at Mitsuya from behind you. "Do I know what it is?!"

"Go upstairs and check," he grins.

Yuzuha lets out an excited gasp and pulls you along with her as she runs around the corner to the stairs. The second unspoken rule as of recently is that Yuzuha has you act as her plus one for things such as taste testing and any other activities that Chikao misses. So it doesn't really catch you off guard when she brings you up to her room.

When the two of you get to her room, she squeals in excitement and runs right over to her bed. There lays a beautifully tailored wedding dress just for her. Your mouth drops when you see her gorgeous material and spin around to face you.

"Wow, that's beautiful Yuzuha," you breathe.

"Mind helping me into it?" she grins.

"Yeah, of course."

You walk over to Yuzuha and take the soft dress from her hands. She spins around and strips carefully. Seconds later she's stepping right into the dress and pulling it over her shoulders.

"Wow," she says with stars in her eyes as she checks herself out in the mirror. "Taka-chan really went out of his way with this! It's gorge- it's perfect!"

"Yeah," you hum with a poor attempt at a smile, "it fits you just right like he sewed it right around you."

"That boy better land some gigs soon because I swear his talent is way too good to be wasted!" she giggles as she spins gently to admit the flow as she moves.

"I have a feeling it will," you reply confidently, thinking back to the day you went to the noodle bar with him.

"Now, since Chikao isn't here it's not wrong of me to go downstairs and show the others, right?" she asks as she turns to face you, no longer observing the dress in the mirror.

"I think Mitsu- Takashi deserves to see it," you admit.

"You're right!" she beams. "You're so smart, Y/N, thank you!"

You shake your head and smile at her compliment as you tell her to hold still as you pick up the train of her dress before she slips and falls or rips the dress. The two of you then begin making your way slowly down the stairs.

About halfway down your eyes instantly meet with Mitsuya as though you were itching to see his reaction to the dress. His eyes are wide, mouth almost hanging to the floor as she delicately descends the stairs.

It doesn't take a genius to see it, Mitsuya made that dress for them, not for Yuzuha and Chikao. He loves her.

Your eyes then shift over to Emma and Draken who step closer and look seriously flabbergasted.

"Wow!" Emma gasps, "Yuzuha, you look like a princess!"

Yuzuha practically skips down the last two steps and runs over to Emma, gushing over Mitsuya and how perfect the dress is. You watch as she then throws her arms around Mitusya and thanks him a million times for the perfect dress.

However, the only thing that catches your attention is the way his hands trail delicately around her waist to pull her in for a hug. Yet you're so rudely interrupted by Hakkai clearing his throat. When you look over at him at the bottom of the stairs, he gives you a seriously annoying grin.

"What's that for?" you grumble as you walk down the remaining few steps to stand beside him.

"Hm? It's nothing," he smiles sweetly. "You just look like you want a wedding dress, too. Or... maybe it's something else you want?"

"Oh, please," you scoff. "I need a drink."


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