thirty six

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Hakkai nudges you as he notices your attention drift off to Mitsuya talking to Yuzuha and Hina off in the distance.

"Huh?" you call out to him as he snaps you out of your trance.

"It's your turn," Hakkai nods down at the cards in your hand.

You look over at Souya who's got that same expression his nickname was created from. "Oh, right, sorry," you apologize to the two of them before picking up a card from the deck in the middle of the table.

But the second your turn is over, you go right back to staring down Mitsuya. You can't help but watch his soft smile as he looks between the two of them and laughs. You think you're an idiot, you really should have kissed him. He's just too perfect.

However, the other half of your brain yells at you that he's way too good to you and that you aren't anywhere near enough what he deserves. He truly does deserve the world, but can you even give that to him?

You can't help it, maybe it's just the wedding and the atmosphere, but he really does seem to shine in your eyes tonight.

Suddenly, Souya clears his throat and brings you back to reality once more. When you realize it's your turn, you pick up another card just like you did last turn. Souya grumbles, growing a bit impatient at your lack of participation in the game after he went to all of the trouble to get you to play with him. The two blue-haired men then exchange looks at each other before coming up with a silent agreement.

"If you want, you can go back over to him. We won't keep you here," Hakkai sighs.

"No, no, it's not like that. I want to play with you guys," you tell him with the cheesiest smile you can possibly give.

Hakkai deadpans, knowing that your statement was an obvious lie. But as you look at him, you're soon distracted by another person. You watch as Hanma slowly steps past the crowd and exits the reception hall. Your eyes narrow as you watch him, he's got to be up to something.

"You know what, yeah, I'll take you guys up on that offer. I've got something I need to do."

"Really? You weren't supposed to accept it, we were just being nice," Souya grumbles.

"I promise I'll make it up to you," you smile as you show them your hand of cards. "I'll be right back! Keep playing!"

The two of them sigh as they watch you run off into the crowd, however, they have absolutely no idea what you're planning to do.

When you get to the exit of the reception hall that you saw Hanma disappear through, you burst open the doors open. But when you arrive in that hallway he had gone through, you were not expecting to see him waiting for you with a huge devious smirk on his face.

Your eyes darken as you take a few more steps closer to him. You eye a gun tucked under his jacket, but hardly let it phase you.

"No way, Hanma. I am not going to let you ruin this wedding!" you grumble.

"Hm? What happened to our first name basis, love? I'd never even dream of ruining this wedding. That being said, the wedding is technically already over. This is just the reception, sweetheart."

"What the hell do you even want?! More money after everything I've given you?" you shout. "Just fuck off already!"

"You're breaking my heart, princess. There's no reason to be so hurtful," Hanma hums as he steps closer to you and places his index finger under your chin, lifting your head to face him directly. "But, to be honest, there's not much monetary interest in Toman anymore. However, Chikao and Kisaki do have a bit of a grudge towards your little friends so I've decided to come along for the ride."

Your eyes widen as you realize what's going on, he's distracting you while all of the others are left unaware in the main room!

"You asshole," you spit, "nobody believed your Mr. Nice Guy act for a second."

"Oh yeah? How about Mikey and Draken, hm?"

"They're not idiots, they'll do what they have to do!"

You then rip yourself away from him and run back towards the door. However, before you're able to get too far, he grabs onto your arm and spins you back around to face him. Your body impacts with his roughly, as though his body was some kind of giant wall.

"I'm not going to let you screw up our plans again this time, love," he whispers as he pulls you close.

"I have no intention of being part of your shitty plans, but I am not going to let you hurt any of my friends," you shout.

Hanma smirks, finding just as much entertainment in you now as ever. You narrow your eyes and pull your arm out of his grasp. As you knock yourself away from him, the gun on his hip falls to the ground between the two of you.

You look down at the gun and back up at him. He's got the same thought as you, only one of you will be able to grab it and as it stands right now, it's fair game.

If only he didn't have such damn long limbs you could try and grab it before him. He grins as he bends down at picks it up right in front of your face.

"What's wrong, babe? Are you scared of a little handgun?" he teases.

You place your hand on his wrist with only a half-baked plan in mind. "I'm not scared, Shuji. If I was, you wouldn't find me quite as interesting, would you?"

"You are right about that," he grins.

"Luckily, I'm just as willing to play dirty as you are."

With that, you lift your knee right between his legs and reach for the pistol from his hand in his moment of weakness. A moment later, a loud bang resonates throughout the room.

 A moment later, a loud bang resonates throughout the room

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{WICKED GAMES} Mitsuya x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now