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After arriving at the Shiba residence, you wait with a quiet Mitsuya standing slightly behind you. The two of you wait in silence for a minute or two until you come to the conclusion that it might be time to go.

"I guess she's not home."

"Thank God," Mitsuya sighs nervously.

But unlucky for him, the doorknob suddenly turns gently and Yuzuha's face appears on the other side.

"Woah! Big surprise to see you two," she smiles. "It's been awhile! Huh, since the Toman meeting..."

"Yep," you reply to get her suspicion of the timing out of her mind. "I've been super busy with Treasurer stuff and Mitsuya's got his design business to fill the gap of time since Luna and Mana aren't around."

"Oh, I see," she smiles over at Mitsuya. "Well, come in you guys!"

Yuzuha sits the two of you down in her main room before running off to grab the pot of tea she was making when she heard you knock.

"See, this isn't too bad," you smile at your partner.

Mitsuya crosses his legs and places his head on his head, pouting. "Yeah, I guess," he begrudgingly agrees.

"Come on, cheer up," you hum as you nudge him gently in the arm. "Girls don't like pouty guys."

"I hate you," he grumbles.

But despite his comment, when Yuzuha walks back into the room, Mitsuya sits up properly. 

"So, Yuzuha," you smile as you turn your attention to the woman handing you a hot teacup, "how's the wedding planning going so far?"

"Great!" she beams as she fills up another cup for Mitsuya. "I'm so excited, Y/N! I can't believe I'm actually getting married!"

Mitsuya nods and thanks Yuzuha as she passes him the cup with a polite smile.

"When do you plan on having the wedding? Like the end of this year... or next year? Maybe longer..."

"Hm? Oh no, not at all. Probably within the next month or two."

Mitsuya chokes on the hot tea, stealing all of the attention of your orange-haired friend who looks a bit confused by the male's reaction.

"Yuzuha!" you call as you try to turn her eyes and ears back to you. "Don't you, uh, think that's a little too soon?"

"Yeah," Mitsuya coughs. "That's not enough time to get everything done. You're going to be so rushed."

"You're right," she shrugs. "It'll be a bit rushed but it's so worth it! If we get things over with now it'll be less stress for later, you know?"

You and Mitsuya exchange a skeptical and worried glance.

"Oh!" she gasps. "Since you guys are here would you mind looking at a few dress designs I picked out?"

You agree with the secret agenda of getting to snoop around her room, and stand up with a big smile on your face. "C'mon, Mitsuya," you hum. "You know all about dress designs. You should be able to give Yuzuha some good advice, right?"

"Guess so," he half-pouts as he stands up beside you.

"Ah, great! Thanks, Takashi!" Yuzuha beams as she begins to lead the pair of you upstairs. 

When you get to Yuzuha's room, she grabs Mitsuya by the arm and yanks him over to her desk where she's got a whole pile of printouts of dresses she's tried on or things she's seen in stores. You can't help but notice the way he so willingly follows after her, despite how much he doesn't want to be there. He must really be head-over-heels, down even worse than you are for Draken.

{WICKED GAMES} Mitsuya x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now