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After the meeting has ended, Hina runs up to you calling out your name. You turn around to face her and see a huge smile spreading across her pink cheeks.

"Wasn't that the most exciting news?!" she beams. "I'm so glad Emma could invite me today!"

Oh, so that's why she and Yuzuha are here... That makes sense.

"I wonder if Takemichi would ever propose to me," she then sighs dreamily.

"I'm sure you will," you assure her, despite wanting to barf in your mouth. You love Hina and all, but this is the last conversation you want to be having right now. Especially while you're being forced to think about that horrible engagement.

As she continues to talk, you subtly look past her trying to look for Hakkai and Mitsuya to see if they're alright. However, Yuzuha and Emma approach you instead.

Great, just what I need, you think to yourself sarcastically.

You begrudgingly congratulate the two of them and give them a hug. You know it's wrong to feel this way towards your friends, especially when nothing is their fault, but you can't help but feel jealous and disdain. The guilt is beginning to tear you up inside. Perhaps that's why you feel like you are going to throw up.

"Thanks, Y/N!" Emma smiles. "Next it's Hina's turn, hm? When do you think that'll happen?"

Hina lets out a small gasp, not happy that Emma just read her thoughts like a book. Her face turns red as she looks amongst the three of you while unsure of what to say in response.


Yuzuha chuckles and saves Hina from the embarrassment. "Or maybe Y/N will find someone first!"

"That may be more likely considering, well, Takemitchy..." Emma agrees.

Yuzuha nods and lets out a sigh. "I only wish Hakkai wasn't so... Hakkai! If he wasn't so shy it wouldn't be a horrible match."

You playfully shake your head, reminding the three of them that you don't think of Hakkai that way. If only they knew you were in the middle of getting over your previous crush.

And speaking of the devil (well, thinking, really), Draken's tall figure walks up from behind Emma. You watch as he gently places a hand on her shoulder, though you would swear at the same time his eyes were glaring down at you wishing he could wring your neck.

As his arm slowly lowers to wrap around her waist, you feign a polite smile towards him. It's definitely for the best, you remind yourself, that you're getting over him. But damn, you didn't think he was this pissed off at you. He definitely didn't believe a word of Mistuya's story.

"Draken, have you seen Mitsuya or Hakkai?" you ask him, hoping to get yourself out of this situation.

Yuzuha nudges you and smirks over the fact that you're looking for her brother. When Draken points you in the right direction you thank him and walk away.

"You're not funnyyy," you hum to Yuzuha jokingly as you pass and wave goodbye. She smiles and you notice she waves back before you turn to leave.

You find Hakkai a little ways away looking seriously awestruck. You pat his shoulder as you approach him from the side. "Your sister's engaged. You had no idea, did you?"

Hakkai shakes his head slowly at a complete loss for words.

"Everyone else was surprised, too," you admit. "I mean, I thought I was close to him but even he reacted differently than I thought he-"

"Huh? Wait, who are you talking about?" he asks, looking over at you skeptically.

"Mitsuya. He looked really strange before and now I can't find him," you sigh.

{WICKED GAMES} Mitsuya x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now