forty three xxx

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The next thing you know you've jumped right into Mitsuya's arms and allowed him to carry you all the way to his room. It was mere seconds after that you've found yourself completely naked on his bed, accepting the kisses he leaves down the side of your neck as he hovers above you.

"So beautiful," he mumbles as you feel one of his hands slide around the front of your body and down to your thigh. You let out a hum in response as your mind sinks solely into the thought of him touching you.

He works his mouth down your chest, gently traveling to work on your nipple while his hand seizes control of your other breast. You gently close your eyes as you moan softly, concentrating on his soft, attentive touches on your body. But as his touch gets a bit rougher, your body aches for more.

As he notices that you're growing a bit impatient, he leans back and removes the rest of his clothes. When he comes back to you, your hand immediately reaches for his cock, though you weren't at all expecting the size you're given. He's always been impressive, so you really shouldn't be too surprised anyway.

Mitsuya reaches down to your core, gently rubbing over your glazed cunt as he watches the expressions on your face contort into that of a desperate girl just looking to get off to his touch.

"So pretty," he breathes as he brushes the hair out of your face. "Are you really all this worked up just for me?"

"Of course," you hum. "I need you, Takashi."

He smiles as he leans closer to you, reaching his lips just above yours to trap you in the most gentle kiss you've ever experienced.

"Please," you hum once more.

He reaches down to your clit, leaving soft circles around your sensitive skin as he leans down and creates a trail of small, wet kisses down your body until he lands between your legs. Then, in one swift motion, he pushes up your legs and reveals your core to him. You can't help the soft moan that escapes your lips the second his tongue reaches your skin, licking a stripe right between your folds.

His slow movements are almost painful as your legs begin to shake. He explores you from the inside out, driving your mind absolutely crazy. But it isn't long after when he slips two of his fingers within you and you find yourself releasing all over him.

He licks you perfectly clean, savoring every taste he can get. Then, as you regain your breath, he takes his cock in his soaked hand and pumps himself ready. You whimper to yourself as you watch, already ready to go again and desperate for him still.

He smiles when he notices and leans over to grab a pillow from his bed. Your legs are then lifted up as he places a pillow underneath your hips. You watch how his eyes stay focused on your bare cunt as he brings himself close and lines himself up. However, he stops and looks up at you just before the tip of his cock can reach you.

"Are you sure this is what you want?" he asks breathlessly.

You wish to God that he'd just do it already. You know he can see how patient you're getting. "Yes," you whine, "Please, Takashi."

"Okay, I just wanted to make sure," he smiles as he once more aligns himself to you.

Mere seconds later he's pushing his head inside, sliding right in thanks to how wet you've gotten.

"Shit, you're so tight," he curses to himself as he glides right in.

He pumps slow, enjoying each stroke he gives while stretching you out. You can already feel your high coming as he slides right against the spot that forces your eyes into the back of your head.

As his pace grows faster, he continues to pump deeper within you. His eyes switch between watching how easily you accept him in and that sweet little fucked out expression you give him each time he does.

It's almost too perfect to resist, and so he leans down to pull you into a kiss. His tongue tangles with yours, exploring your mouth as you release moans and pants against him. You wrap your legs around his body, arms around his neck, pulling him even closer to you.

When he pulls away, he leaves a kiss on your cheek before sitting up and grabbing onto your hips. He's now ramming into you, and you're doing your best not to let out a scream with each rough thrust that pulls you closer and closer to your edge.

"You take my cock so well," he mumbles, not knowing how on fire your body feels at his words despite how you know you'll probably be bedridden all day tomorrow.

You grab onto the sheets below you as your body races to your climax, your sounds only serving to rev him up even more while he does the same. Moments later your body clenches tight and you find yourself coming undone beneath him once more.

He curses under his breath as he quickly pulls out and releases hot ropes of his cum right onto your stomach. Once he's done, his hands collapse down on either side of your head. He closes his eyes and catches his breath as you stare up at his beautiful face. You can hardly believe the two of you had just done that, but you're so glad that you did.

When he opens his eyes, he looks down at you softly and kisses your forehead. "I'll be right back, I'll get you something to clean you off. Let me know if you want anything else when I come back, okay?"

"Sure," you smile, knowing that you'll be perfectly content with just him at your side.

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