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When light strikes your face, you crawl out of bed with a pounding head. Headaches, paired with that annoying feeling in your stomach, is one of the worst possible outcomes of that hangover you were expecting.

You sluggishly shuffle over to your bathroom and down a whole variety of pills that probably won't help as much as you need them to. You then pad right back into your bed. However, the moment your eyes close on your soft pillow and you realize your other one is missing, you remember that Mitsuya had slept over last night.

Your eyes spring open; you're unable to go back to sleep. The thought that he's possibly awake and bored as hell in your living room keeps you from drifting off peacefully.

You groan softly and step out of your warm, semi-comfortable bed to check up on Mitsuya in the living room. However, when you get there, he's still asleep. Just as you're about to turn around and go back to your room, your eyes are unable to pull away from the sleeping figure. What you wouldn't do to sleep that damn peacefully, and he sure is pretty as hell.

God, I'm such a dick for ditching him that night he let me sleep over. He's a way better friend than I could ever dream to be.

Thinking of no better way to make it up to him, and realizing that you're probably not going to be able to sleep even if you do go back to bed, you stride over to the kitchen in the hopes of whipping up some breakfast for the two of you.

Just as you're finishing up your cooking, Mitsuya groggily steps into the kitchen while rubbing his tired eyes.

"Something smells..." he comments, though trails off so as to not be rude.

"Look, I tried," you sigh. "I'm no chef, but I did as best as I could."

His eyes widen when he realizes the strong aroma is coming from your cooking. He apologizes profusely, admitting he had no idea the smell was coming from the food you were making.

You dismiss his concerns, telling him that it's not a big deal as you put down two plates of food on the table.

"You don't have to eat it if you don't want to," you tell him seriously as you sit down at the table. "I just didn't know how else to show you that I appreciated you staying here with me last night."

"No, of course I'll eat! Thank you, Y/N, I'm glad you thought of me. By the way... how are you feeling?"

"Like absolute hell," you scoff.

"Did you take any medicine?" he asks, to which you nod as you take a bite of food. "Well, hopefully it starts to work soon because we've got another meeting this morning."

You groan, not wanting to face Draken or Mikey right now. "I hope it isn't like yesterdays, otherwise I might as well move out of the country!"

"No," he chuckles, "it's not about that. Apparently, Mikey's got some kind of announcement for us."

"Thank god," you sigh. "What are the chances that he's firing Kisaki for the club and the totally fucked up things he's getting away with?"

Mitsuya smirks, wishing that he could give you the answer you're looking for. "Not likely, but we better go just in case."

"I certainly wouldn't wanna miss that for the world!"

At the meeting, you stand off to the side of the first division, definitely far away from Mitsuya or Hakkai

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At the meeting, you stand off to the side of the first division, definitely far away from Mitsuya or Hakkai. Although, you can spot them pretty well in the front of the crowd, especially by hair.

Mikey stands before everyone, calling their attention to him. He begins to explain that today he isn't running the meeting, eliciting dozens of whispering outbreaks amongst the members. Everyone, even the captains, looks confused.

You look over towards the other side of Mikey, curious about Draken's expression. He looks perfectly fine, Emma in hand before beginning to approach the commander.

"I'm going to let my little sister begin!" Mikey's voice adds to silence the group. All eyes then fall on the couple as they stand front and center.

"We have an announcement that we've been holding out on!" Draken begins.

You cross your arms, pouting because you're quite honestly a bit pissed that this meeting Mitsuya brought you to was only to shove their engagement down your throat. You did honestly hope it was about getting Kisaki fired, but whatever, all in due time you suppose. Besides, Mikey probably doesn't fully know who to believe yet.

Your hands ball into fists as the couple gets ready to make their announcement. Tears that betray your silent threats begin to roll down your cheeks. You're not sure whether to be angry or sad about the announcement that's got a big smile plastered across Emma's face.

"Draken and I are officially engaged!" she beams as she holds out her hand to show off a huge diamond ring.

Suddenly, a loud gasp breaks out from within the silent, stunned crowd. You're able to spot the person from the crowd easily from where you're standing, recognizing them as Yuzuha.

That's weird, you hadn't even noticed her with Hakkai at all today. Why is she even here?

Yuzuha grabs hold of some random guy and tugs him up with her onto the stage. She stops when she comes face-to-face with Emma and holds out her left hand.

"I'm engaged, too!" she beams, initiating the conversation that has the girls gushing over the similarity.

You glance over at Hakkai to see his reaction, but before your eyes land on him, Mistuya catches your attention first. The man looks absolutely enraged. He looks so pissed that his face is almost turning pink! On top of that, his fists are balled up just like yours when you watched Emma speak out about her little announcement, and his jaw is clenching as though he's biting his own tongue.

What the hell's wrong with him? Does he know that guy or something?

What the hell's wrong with him? Does he know that guy or something?

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{WICKED GAMES} Mitsuya x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now