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After leaving to change into the lavender dress that fits almost as if it had been tailored just to you, you walk back into the room you had left Mitsuya and Hakkai.

Hakkai's mouth drops as his eyes catch on you. "Woah, you look stunning, Y/N! That dress looks perfect on you!"

Mitsuya nods proudly at his work. "Mhm. I made it for her, that's why."

"You did?" you smirk. "When did you have time to put this together? Were you really planning to help me out this whole time?"

"Alright, fine. I'll admit it. I did throw it together last night," he shakes his head.

"You made that overnight!?" Hakkai asks, completely shocked at his friend's talent.

"Mhm," Mitsuya nods as he walks past you and over to his desk. You follow after him and observe as he pulls out a small container of an essential oil.

"What are you going to do with that?" you ask skeptically.

"Hakkai's going to bring you to the club now," he half-answers your question.

"What? Now?! But you haven't even told me what the plan is yet!"

"I'm getting to that," he sighs as he looks over to Hakkai. "You cool with giving her a ride?"

Hakkai nods politely, agreeing to the plan.

"Cool. From what I observed last time before you met with Kisaki, Hanma had made sure you were seriously inebriated probably in the hopes that you wouldn't remember much of the night. However, if we're going to have this plan make any kind of sense, you need to be thinking clearly, got that? No drinking. No drugs."

"I got it, dad, but how are we going to get past that then?" you pout.

Mitsuya opens the cap to what you now see is peppermint oil and dabs a bit of it onto a cotton swab. "Look up," he says as he reaches for your chin.

You do as you're asked and gently he begins to rub the oil under your eyes. You can't help the feeling of itchiness and watering that overwhelms you, but you muddle through as he rubs the oil onto your skin. When he lets go, you blink a few times and feel your eyes begin to burn.

"Holy shit, your eyes are bright red!" Hakkai gasps.

"You'll tell Hanma that you got high before getting there. Put on a happy attitude and he should buy into it by the looks of you... depending on how well you can act."

"Shouldn't be a problem," you smile at him and receive a small grin back.

"How will that get Y/N guaranteed to meet Kisaki?" Hakkai asks, breaking a sudden silent moment of you and Mitsuya staring at each other.

"Once she finds Hanma she'll complain to him about Draken and Emma's engagement saying she'll do anything to break them up," Mitsuya explains as he looks away from you and tosses the cotton swab into the trash.

"He'll probably suggest that he and Kisaki can help me out in exchange for another favor like they had me doing before. What do I do about that?" you ask.

"Agree to it. They're going to come up with a plan that involves Otsuda and if you're going to learn anything about that then you're going to need to gain their trust. Whatever it takes, okay?"

"Okay," you nod a bit worriedly. "Got it."

"After that you'll have to play it by ear depending on what Kisaki's plan is, but once they can trust you, you should be able to get some info off that Otsuda guy at the very least."

"Right. I think I'm ready," you say as you turn to Hakkai.

Hakkai nods and stands up from his spot on the floor. Together, the two of you head to the entrance of the house. Mitsuya bends down and grabs a pair of silver heels he'd left under his desk before meeting you at the front door and handing you the shoes.

{WICKED GAMES} Mitsuya x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now