thirty nine

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The following morning, you walk downstairs beside Yuzuha only to find that Mitsuya and Hakkai had passed out side by side on the sofa. The two of you exchange looks and smile at the way their heads lean up against each other and their mouths are parted slightly as they breathe.

Cute, you think as you follow Yuzuha across the room.

"Hungry?" Yuzuha asks as the two of you step into the kitchen. "I can make you some breakfast if you'd like."

"Thanks, but I think Takashi and I are going to grab some breakfast this morning."

"Oh?" she hums, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Man, I'm starving," Hakkai suddenly yawns as he enters the room, interrupting the conversation unknowingly. "What's for breakfast?"

"That depends on who you ask because Taka-chan and Y/N are going out for breakfast together apparently!" Yuzuha giggles.

"Yeah," he hums tiredly, already knowing that from the night before. "What else is new?"

Yuzuha groans. "Seriously?! You knew? Why am I the last to find out about this?!"

"That's what happens when you drink too much," Hakkai teases.

Yuzuha rolls her eyes at her brother's comment. "Says the one who was drinking too much wine during the rehearsal the other day!"

Hakkai sighs and shakes his head as he walks past her towards the refrigerator, obviously not wanting to argue and knowing that he most likely will lose that fight.

Just then, Mitsuya walks in with tired eyes from the night before. You don't blame him, he was held at gunpoint. However, he's already dressed up as though he's ready to head out right away.

"Do you still want to go out for breakfast?" you ask as he approaches you. "You look really tired. You could go back to sleep instead if you'd like."

"Nah," he shakes his head. "I've got plans and I don't feel like canceling them," he smiles. "That is, as long as you still want to go."

"Of course I do," you grin back.

"Save the flirting for the date," Yuzuha sighs as she pours herself a hot cup of tea. "You two better get going before they stop serving breakfast! Have fun!"

After quickly getting changed into an extra outfit you had left at Yuzuha's and waving goodbye to the siblings, you and Mitsuya walk outside of the house.

"Think I can catch a ride?" you smile softly. "I haven't found time to buy a new bike yet."

Nor do I really have the cash for that right now unless I moved out of my apartment.

"Yeah, yeah," Mitsuya teases playfully as he tosses you his helmet. "Get on."

Eventually, you arrive at a beautifully decorated restaurant. Your body sinks against a soft white chair that's so soft it's like sitting on pillows. Mitsuya smiles at the blissful look on your face as you sit down across from him.

Thankfully, your food arrives quickly. You down the warm bowl of miso soup and egg dish so quickly you practically inhaled it. It's not until after the two of you finish eating do you strike up a lasting conversation.

"So when are Luna and Mana coming home from school?" you ask Mitsuya.

"In about a month," he sighs satisfactorily from eating as he leans back in his chair. "I can't wait. It's going to be so nice to not live alone anymore."

"I bet," you smile. "They've been gone for so long! And how's it going with that money Hajime and I got for you?"

"You mean the unnecessarily huge pile of cash you gave me?" he sighs. "Well, the first thing I did was begin looking for a store."

You gasp, immediately excited for him to share details with you. "Did you find a place?!"

"A couple," he nods. "None are definite buys yet but there is one that I really like. And on top of all of that, I'm looking to build a web store as backup, too."

"That's a really good idea," you nod. "Building an online presence is important nowadays! But, hey, are any of those buildings you're looking to buy near here? I'd love to check them out if you're not busy."

"The one that I think is my favorite is nearby," he admits. "I'd love to take you as long as it won't bore you to death by checking out an empty building."

"Of course not!" you beam. "I'd love to see it! Are you hiring an accountant, too, by any chance?" you joke.

"Well I'll probably need one eventually," he grins, watching the way your eyes begin to sparkle as he chuckles at the idea. "But I'd like one with a good rep."

"Aw, come on," you pout. "That's not very nice!"

"What? I didn't say you had a bad rep!" he teases. "But I'm not sure if Mikey could bear parting with you as Toman's treasurer."

"Alright, then I guess I'll have to weigh out my options and get back to you," you smile.

A few minutes later, the check comes and Mitsuya quickly takes care of it before you have time to react. However, as part of an agreement between you and him, he lets you leave the tip with your argument that he should "save money for the store".

"Ready to go?" he asks once everything is paid.

"Sure am!" you smile. Together, the two of you leave the restaurant and mount his bike.

"It's not that far," he tells you as you wrap your arms comfortably around his waist, "but let me know if you get motion sickness or anything since we just ate."

"Will do," you smile, thinking how sweet his gesture is.

"Alright," he nods. "Then let's go!"

 "Then let's go!"

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{WICKED GAMES} Mitsuya x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now