forty two

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A few days later, you text your brother to tell him that you're coming over for a visit. Since you fail to explain that it's just a friendly visit, he's a bit skeptical to allow you over. It does make you a bit sad to realize that he's probably used to having people only visit him just to get a few dollars squeezed out of his pocket.

When you get to his house, you enjoy a nice chat in his mansion. His guard was up at first, but the more you joked and got comfortable around him, the more he opened up too.

You spread out on one of the large sofas in the middle of his living room as he sits opposite of you in the other. You feel like you've got all the room in the world as you sit there with him, having an actual conversation with your brother for the first time in god-only knows how long.

"So how are you liking your new bike?" he eventually asks you out of sheer curiosity.

"It's awesome!" you beam. "You've got to try it sometime! Inupi and Draken really went out of their way making it!"

Koko nods. "I know they did, but there wasn't really a budget so they didn't have a reason not to get carried away. They probably had a bit too much fun with it as well."

"Yeah, suppose your right," you chuckle at the thought of the two business owners nerding out over making your bike.

"What are you going to do now that all that Kisaki stuff is over with?" Koko suddenly changes the subject.

"Well, I forget if I told you but I ended up giving the rest of our gambling earnings to Takashi," you smile.

"Oh? And what's he going to do with all of it?" he asks nosily.

"He found a store that he might rent out," you explain.

"A store? Do you know where?" he asks as he pulls out his laptop from the round table between the two sofas. You sit beside him and help him plug in information as he searches for the store, eventually pointing it out when you see it.

"Damn, look at that price tag," Koko gasps. "That's going to be expensive even with how all that money you gave him." He then looks into the empty living space on the second floor above the shop.

"It might make sense if Mitsuya found a tenant to live above him. It'll help him pay for the store's rent at least," Koko explains as he looks over at you. "How are you liking your apartment?"

"It's bearable," you sigh, "but would Takashi hate the idea of me bringing up what you're implying?"

"That's quite unlikely," he shakes his head before explaining that it'll help Mitsuya with his expenses, and he'll get to see you more often, so he doesn't see why Mitsuya wouldn't want you to move in there.

He then pulls out a bundle of cash from out of absolutely nowhere and hands it over to you. "Help him buy the place," he explains with a sigh, "and don't put up a temper tantrum over accepting the cash. Think of it as a housewarming present since I don't really want to help you move all your huge crap across town."

You smile at his sweet gesture. "You're just a big softy, aren't you," you tease.

"You just annoy me too much," he huffs.

You hug him, squeezing him close against your body. "Yeah, I didn't say that I don't annoy you, but you love me," you giggle.

Koko groans but hugs you back and doesn't stiffen up as he'd done the other day at D&D Motors. He really is warming up to you...

After you leave Koko's mansion, you as Mitsuya to meet up for dinner

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After you leave Koko's mansion, you as Mitsuya to meet up for dinner. He accepts almost immediately and you plan to meet with him at a small noodle shack for ramen, just like the last time you had offered him money. It's quite apparent the second he steps foot into the shop that he's a bit suspicious as to what's going on, but it's not until after you order your food does he bring it up.

"Alright, so what's going on?" he sighs.

It all spills out like word vomit while you explain to him Koko's idea and the proposal about you moving in on the second floor to help him pay rent, but only as long as he doesn't mind you living there... your apartment is pretty cramped and crowded anyway, you explain.

"Would you really not mind moving in? It would definitely be a big help," he nods. "The price was one of the only things holding me back from buying the place."

"Not at all as long as I can get a bit of help moving all my stuff from the place I'm at now. Koko said he wouldn't help, though I'm willing to bet I can convince him otherwise," you grin.

"Well then it's settled. I'd love to have you rent out the second floor," he smiles.

Just as he speaks and a smile lifts the corners of your lips, two steaming hot bowls of ramen are placed on your table. You quickly thank the chef before breaking apart your chopsticks and digging into the food.

After a delightful date, you agree to go back to Mitsuya's house.

Mitsuya sighs as he takes off his shoes and flips on the light. "Luna and Mana are going to be back in a few weeks. It'll be so nice to not come back to a dark, empty house all of the time."

"Hm," you giggle, "well if you want a roommate for a few days while I move all my things across town, I'll gladly ditch my shitty before for a little while."

"Yeah, your bed really does suck," he chuckles as he takes your hand pulling you a bit closer to him.

You wrap your arms around his neck as a big smile grows on your face. And as he leans close and tilts his head to the side, your eyes flutter closed as you relax into his touch and kiss him back.

 And as he leans close and tilts his head to the side, your eyes flutter closed as you relax into his touch and kiss him back

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{WICKED GAMES} Mitsuya x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now