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It's been a while since the day you've last seen Mitsuya. That was the day Emma and Yuzuha publically announced their engagements. And without Mitsuya, unfortunately, you begin to fall into a bit of a rut. Sure you attend your Toman meetings and do your Treasuring job like you're supposed to, but the rest of the time you mope around your home eating or drinking and passing out on the couch.

But at least you haven't gone back to Kisaki and Hanma...

Today you sit down on your sofa with a bottle of unopened sake that you're prepared to pour out when you pull out your phone and scroll through dozens of unopened messages you'd sent to Mitsuya. The guy hasn't been to any meetings and won't answer any of your calls or texts. You've begun to get worried.

You think back to the first time you saw him at the club. You had sat with him at the bar and asked him why he was there, but he had totally ignored you. You then think back to his reaction towards Yuzuha and her new fiancée. He had acted almost exactly like you had when you saw Emma and Draken.

And then, as abruptly as your mouth drops to the floor, it hits you. Holy shit, Mitsuya has a thing for Yuzuha!

You jump up from your couch and change into something a bit more presentable than how you looked just a moment ago. You run right past the unopened bottle of sake again on your way out of your home and grab your helmet before shutting the door loudly behind you.

You throw your leg over the other side of your bike and take off down the street before any of your neighbors can yell at you for all the commotion.

You stop with a screech right outside the crappy-looking entrance of the club. You then pull off your helmet, grab your keys, and head towards the entrance where you're immediately let in. You were a regular just a short while ago, after all.

As you enter, your usual 'friends' try to full you towards the bathroom to get high. It's difficult but you pull away and allow yourself to get lost in the crowd. However, you're soon pulled towards the bar by another group looking to get drunk.

This time you give in and allow yourself to order a shot. The group goes wild and orders alongside you, but when you call over the bartender your body freezes up. Towards the far end, you finally spot the familiar, droopy-eyed male you had come here to meet, to begin with.

You break away with the horrible excuse that you'll be right back which only serves to work since your 'friends' had already begun drinking. Just as you're about to reach an arm out to Mitsuya, your wrist is grabbed and you're pulled towards a nearby wall.

The person lifts up your chin with their hand and roughly cups your cheek to get a better look at you. They release a wicked grin as they glance about your features.

"My, you're a pretty girl. What's your name?"

As they speak, your eyes meet theirs. The person before you is a man with red eyes and wild-looking black hair.

"None of your damn business!" you remark before stomping on his foot and attempting to pull away from him.

However, the man doesn't flinch and instead tightens his grip on you. You're completely shocked and attempt to wiggle free still, despite knowing it's quite useless.

Behind you, though you don't see it yet, Mitsuya gets up from his sorry state at the bar and approaches you and the man grabbing onto you.

"Mind getting your hand off of her?" he asks.

"I'm sorry, and what business of this is yours?" the man with red eyes glares down through a pair of reflecting glasses. "This your girl?"

"She's my friend you ignorant asshole," Mitsuya groans before tightening his fist to punch the man dead in the stomach. However, for whatever reason, it feels like a punch to your gut, too.

{WICKED GAMES} Mitsuya x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now