thirty five

956 41 19

After the wedding, you enjoy the reception with the other bridesmaids.

"Look at her!" Hina beams as the three of you watch Emma and Draken. "She looks so happy! Today has been so much fun!"

Yuzuha smiles and nods. "I'm so glad everything went well. Emma really deserves it.

"Me too," you grin, though you're still haunted by thoughts from before. It's strange, but you can't help thinking that something is about to go horribly wrong. And it pisses you off because you really don't want anything to wrong, either. Maybe talking to Mitsuya will help, he's usually good at calming your nerves.

You excuse yourself from the group of bridesmaids to look around for Mitsuya. Eventually, you find him walking across the dance floor and approach him. However, just as you get to him, a new, slow song begins to play and you're crowded in place by other couples surrounding you.

But perhaps this is a good opportunity to talk to him in private without anyone suspecting you of anything. With that thought in mind, you reach around Mitsuya's neck and pull yourself close. His body tenses up, a bit confused by the gesture, but soon relaxes and places his hands on your hips. You attempt to ignore the tingling sensation and chills that travel up your spine as you gather your words to speak to him.

"I wanted to talk to you," you whisper. "I've got a bad feeling about all of this."

Knowing that you haven't seen Hanma all day either isn't helping to settle your nerves. He was invited after all, and you know that he wouldn't not show up. He should be here...

"I was thinking the same thing," Mitsuya murmurs back to you. "I was actually just looking for you now, too."

You sigh as you place the side of your head onto this shoulder, wondering what the hell your next move should be. Nothing is happening, so what can you do?

"This dress is really gorgeous," you instead change the conversation. "Thank you so much, I really can't believe you went out of your way for me like this."

"You're welcome," he smiles softly. "I'm glad you like it. You look beautiful."

You feel your cheeks heat up at the sound of his words, and you can't help a smile that slides across your lips.

"If I didn't know any better I'd think you matched the two of us on purpose," you tease, though his silent response makes you think you might actually be on to something.

You pick up your head and meet his somewhat avoidant eyes. "It's been bothering me..." you begin, resulting in a confused glance. "I swear I've seen this dress before, was it in your sketches?"

"Are you being serious?" he asks.

"Yeah, I could be wrong but it does look familiar..." you trail off.

"Well it did go under a bit of reworking since you last saw it," he smiles, hoping to get you to figure it out for yourself. And when you finally do put two-and-two together, your eyes wide. You remember now for sure. This is the wedding dress of Yuzuha's that you almost destroyed.

You stare at him in complete awe. He had made it so special for her so why would he change the design and then give it to you instead?

Your eyes then drift down slowly to his lips as he parts them, about to say something just before changing his mind. However, your eyes still linger as you stay frozen staring at him for a few moments. You really could kiss him right now...

When you remember your surroundings, you pull back and give him a soft smile. "Sorry," you apologize weakly for the way you were staring. "I just- It's really gorgeous. You're so good with clothes I can't believe you were able to do this," you admit still quite a bit flustered.

Just then, the song ends and you take a step away from him. Your eyes then catch on a tall figure behind him. You spin Mitsuya around and point him in the direction where you see Hanma off in the near distance talking to some guy you've never seen before.

"Who's he talking to?" you whisper.

"I have no idea, but whatever it is can't be good."

"I'm going to go over there," you nod confidently.

"What? He's not going to admit anything to either of us," Mitsuya sighs.

"But it's worth a try. I'll be okay, just stay here in case anything bad happens," you tell him as you take a step closer to Hanma.

Mitsuya watches nervously but agrees. You quickly wave and turn exit off the dance stage. However, before you've got the chance to get anywhere near Hanma, curly blue hair gets in your way.

"Hi, Y/N," his voice sings politely despite the way his eyebrows knit together angrily. "You busy?"

"Wha- uh, Souya... No, I guess not. What's up?" you stutter, a bit unsure how to get past him without hurting his feelings.

"Hakkai and I wanted to know if you wanted to play cards, but since you're not busy I'll bring you over to our table!"

Souya grabs your hand and beings to pull you further away from Hanma who is soon no longer in your line of vision. You try to look back for Mitsuya for some kind of backup, but you can't seem to find him either.

The moment you're sitting between your two blue-haired friends, you let out a sigh. How are you supposed to say no to either one of their faces? Anyway, as Hakkai begins to deal out a few cards to each of you, your eyes are distracted by the three figures of Yuzuha, Hina, and Mitsuya. For some reason, you just can't take your eyes off of him tonight, he really does look handsome. You can still hardly believe he went to all of that trouble with the dress just for you... Perhaps if Hanma really isn't up to anything suspicious, this could be a really good night.

 Perhaps if Hanma really isn't up to anything suspicious, this could be a really good night

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{WICKED GAMES} Mitsuya x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now