forty eight

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Somehow it's already here, and you can't believe that it is. It felt like only days since Mitsuya proposed but now here you are rushing around in your wedding gown turned bridesmaid dress turned back to wedding gown while being chased by Yuzuha.

"Taka-chan can't see you in your dress, Y/N! Stop running away from me!" she shouts.

"He's already seen it!" you shout back. "He did make it for god's sake!"

"That's really not the point, Y/N," she sings. "It's bad luck on wedding day!"

Although you really don't want to give in to Yuzuha's insistence, you end up running out of breath way sooner than you thought you would.

"Woah, tired already? You okay?" she asks without having to catch her breath.

"Shut up, I'm stressed," you grumble. "Is there any chocolate around here... or something with sugar?"

"Chocolate? You shouldn't eat anything super messy in that dress..."

"It's called stress eating, Yuzuha," you groan as you spin around and happen to find Hakkai with a chocolate bar in his hand.

"Thanks," you sigh as he half-willingly hands it over. "You're a lifesaver," you mumble before devouring the whole thing in two bites.

"So, uh, what were we doing anyway?" you ask quietly as you look around the room for anything to jog your memory.

"I don't know but you're about to walk down the aisle so let's go worry about that instead!" Yuzuha sighs as she links her arm with yours. You nod and allow her to walk off with you.

At the end of the aisle, Yuzuha leaves alongside the rest of the procession. Then, when it's just you left, you can't help but feel a bit faint. Perhaps it's a sugar crash from all the candy and chocolate you've been stuffing your mouth with all day long.

You pat your cheeks just hard enough to leave a bit of a sting and take a deep breath in. "Okay, I can do this," you assure yourself as you take your first step. However, as you walk out you see Mitsuya frowning at you from the other end.

Suddenly, you're yanked back and Hakkai looks down angrily at you. "Where the hell are you going without me?" he pouts.

"Oh right," you chuckle awkwardly. "Sorry, got a lot on my mind."

"Are you sure you're okay, Y/N?" he whispers as he links his arm with yours.

"I'm fine," you assure him as you pat his arm gently. "Let's go."

Hakkai shrugs and does as you've asked to walk you down the aisle. As you walk, your brain gets fuzzy again and you wobble a bit towards Hakkai. Luckily, he does a good job at keeping you up straight and not making a big deal out of it for others to notice.

When the two of you get to the end of the aisle, Hakkai sniffles as he holds in the tears swelling up his eyes. "You've been nothing but good to me, my sister, and everyone at Toman, Y/N. On behalf of all of us, we love you."

You, too, begin to fight back tears as you part your lips to respond. "Love you too," you sniff as Hakkai lets go of you.

You then turn around to face Mitsuya who's now thankfully smiling back at you. When his hand reaches out to touch your own, electricity courses through your body like it's the first time he's touching you. You hand Hakkai your bouquet before giving your other hand to Mitsuya.

"Hi," he whispers softly as he rubs soft circles over the tops of your hands with his thumbs.

"Hey," you smile softly.

"You look so beautiful," he comments.

"Yeah, you do a good job with that," you respond, thinking that he's referring to how you look in the gown. But he dismisses your thought with a shake of his head.

{WICKED GAMES} Mitsuya x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now