forty one

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Eventually, Mitsuya stops the ride in front of D&D Motors. Still a bit confused, you turn to Mitsuya with knitted eyebrows as he steps off of his motorcycle.

"Is there something wrong with your bike? What's going on?" you ask, thinking that perhaps there's something wrong with his bike, which would explain why this stop was so important to him.

"No," he chuckles at your question, "my bike is fine. If it wasn't I wouldn't let you ride on it, don't worry."

Your face heats up as he takes off his helmet for you. And as he guides you towards the entrance of the shop, you do your best to calm yourself down before Draken or Inupi notice your flustered appearance.

Inside, you remain quiet, still unsure as to what you're there for. But your confusion only intensifies when you see your brother sitting beside the co-owners of the shop. It's not like he ever bothers to check up on Inupi, so why is he even here?

"Hey, sorry we're a bit late," Mitsuya apologizes. "I got a bit distracted on the way and we made an extra stop."

"It's alright," Draken nods as he stands up from his spot. "Don't worry about it."

Draken then nods to Inupi and Mitusy who follow him out of the room. You walk up to your brother and replace the seat the Inupi was previously in.

"What's going on?" you whisper to him.

"You're such an idiot. I can't believe you actually wrecked your bike," he shakes his head in disappointment.

"It wasn't my fault!" you attempt to protest, though he just continues to talk over you.

"It was in such small pieces, it would have been impossible to piece back together."

"Sorry," you eventually mutter, though you're not quite sure why. It's not like he bought it for you. Why does he even care?

"Wait," you suddenly refute. "Why the hell are you here?!"

"Well someone had to pay for the parts to your new bike," he sighs.

Your mouth almost drops at his words, he'd actually pay for you to get a new bike? His soft spot is showing more now than ever, and it causes a big cheesy smile to grow across your face. Though you're sitting beside him, you throw your arms right around his neck and thank him about a hundred times.

Koko sits as stiff as a board as he allows you to hug him awkwardly. "You don't have to thank me," he explains. "Draken and Inupi put a lot of work into it and Mitsuya made the whole thing happen. Like always, I'm just the cash cow."

You smile up at him, knowing that's far from the truth. "You shouldn't say it like that, without you we wouldn't have been able to afford it. Thanks, Hajime!"

He rolls his eyes, though his cheeks begin to turn a light shade of pink as you pull away from him. But soon your attention is stolen when Inupi rolls in a shiny black nighthawk that causes your jaw to fall to the ground.

"No way!" you squeal as you stand up and inspect the shimmering motorcycle. "This looks brand new, it's beautiful!"

"Yeah, well it better look new 'cause we put our blood, sweat, and tears into it!" Draken scoffs.

You smile, happy about how well your relationship with Draken has progressed ever since that day.

"I wanted to thank you for everything you did to help Emma and me. You really had our backs, I'm sorry for all the shit I gave you about it," he explains.

"Water under the bridge," you smile. "You don't need to think about it anymore!"

Your eyes then catch on Mitsuya who's smiling as he watches you inspect your present, obviously happy that you like it.

"Wanna go for a ride?" you ask him as you stand up and place your hand on one of the handlebars.

"You know I do," he grins back.

"Just please don't wreck this one," Draken sighs. Inupi nods in agreement.

"I won't, don't worry you guys," you smile.

After squeezing the three of them goodbye, you mount your bike. However, before you can even put your key in the ignition, your brother plops a matte black bike helmet roughly over your head.

"Don't kill yourself either," he huffs.

You smile under the helmet. "I won't, I promise," you tell him before looking over at Mitsuya who's putting on his own helmet. You give him a big thumbs up and the two of you then take off.

After a drive throughout Shibuya, you park right outside of Yoyogi park

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After a drive throughout Shibuya, you park right outside of Yoyogi park. The two of you hop off your bikes, and you take his hand in yours as you head towards the pathway leading to the park's entrance.

The sight is so lovely as you walk in, watching the cherry blossoms that are now blooming. You can't help but sigh and take in your calming and beautiful surroundings.

You look over at Mitsuya as you walk under one of the pink flowering trees. You're so happy you finally got to confess your feelings. Like you explained to your friend, it almost feels surreal.

Mitsuya soon catches you staring up at him and smiles. "What're you thinking about?" he asks.

Your face heats up at his blunt comment. It's quite obvious after all, what you're thinking about. "It's nothing," you lie.

"Really? But you look so deep in thought."

"Yeah, well I guess I was just thinking about how lucky I am to have you," you smile. "Thanks, Takashi, really, for everything... the dress, the bike, being you..."

As you arrive before an empty bench, the two of you sit down and admire the fountain in the middle of the pond at the center of the park. You then rest your head onto his shoulder, sitting beside him in a comforting silence. You could sit like this all day. You really did mean what you said, you're beyond words happy that he's by your side.

 You really did mean what you said, you're beyond words happy that he's by your side

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{WICKED GAMES} Mitsuya x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now