twenty nine

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When Hakkai and I arrive at Toman we see that everyone is thankfully already gathered, including Draken and Emma. I'm so relieved; this will be a bit easier now since we've already got everybody assembled together. So the second we step off our bikes, Hakkai and I run right up to Mikey. He looks at us a bit oddly, extremely confused as to why we're both out of breath and in a panic.

"What do you look so freaked out about?" he asks.

"Y/N and Yuzuha need help," I huff as I catch my breath.

Emma's eyes widen nervously as she listens. I don't blame her, she was just with us a little while ago and everything was okay (besides for the whole dress incident).

I begin to explain to Mikey about how I had gotten involved with Kisaki and how he introduced me to the job at Wisteria. I then begin to get a bit hesitant once I arrive at the part about Y/N going to the club. And I have good reason since Mikey's eyes visibly darken into endless black pits as he listens to me speak. Y/N wasn't wrong when she told me he'd be pissed...

Mikey nods and slowly walks over to a table. He pulls out a chair and sits down quietly. "Stop talking," he finally interrupts after I begin to ramble on and on about how Kisaki manipulated Y/N into going to the club and that it really isn't her fault. He then places his hands on his head and looks down, thinking silently.

"Mitsuya," Draken calls out, "Please continue. I want to hear the rest of this story."

"Well, Y/N knew something was off with Chikao and she wanted to figure it all out..." I begin before going into more detail about our plan involving her infiltration into the Otsuda gang, more specifically with Kisaki and Hanma.

"Why did you make Yuzuha that dress then?" Emma asks worriedly. "If you were planning on breaking them up, why would you go to all of that effort?"

Though my eyes meet with Emma's as she speaks, I'm unable to give her a response while maintaining that eye contact. The truth is I feel a bit ashamed for not having as much trust in Y/N as I should have.

"Because I wasn't so sure her plan would work," I admit.

Finally, Mikey joins the conversation again with a bit more conviction in his eyes. "And what do you think about Y/N now?"

I can feel Hakkai's burning stare into my body as I'm forced to answer this strangely-formulated question.

"She's smart and she can do a lot when she believes in herself. I didn't recognize it at first and I'm to blame for that, but she means well-"

"But what about when she breaks her promises?" Mikey continues. He seems more pissed than looking to help...

I think back to when Y/N promised me she wouldn't go back to Wisteria. She would have kept her promise, but only ended up going back to help me out.

"She has nothing but good intentions and when she messes up it's not due to a lack of effort."

As Mikey nods quietly to himself, I look over to my side and see Hakkai smiling proudly. I suppose he agrees with me, though the look on his face is a bit strange to see. Why does he look so full of himself all of a sudden? It's not like he's saying anything.

"Okay, Mitsuya, Hakkai, I'll help," Mikey agrees to my relief as he stands up from his seat. "Y/N is a part of Toman and Yuzuha pretty much is, too."

He then steps up on top of the chair and cups his hands around his mouth to project his voice. "Alright captains and VCs of each division, let's get going as quickly as possible! Our Treasurer is in a tight spot and Hakkai's sister might be, too, if we don't hurry it up!"

{WICKED GAMES} Mitsuya x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now