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"Before you go do you think we could talk about something for a sec? I didn't want to say thinking in front of Takashi or Hakkai 'cause they're a bit overprotective, but I'm kinda concerned about their relationship with Chikao."

Outside of the Shibas' house where you sit ready to take off on your motorcycle, you instead lean back and keep up the chat with Yuzuha in the hopes that she might spill a bit more about Chikao or Otsuda.

"Don't worry, Yuzuha," you assure her with a smile. "Mitsuya and Hakkai are both happy for you!"

"That's not what I mean..." she shakes her head as she takes a few steps towards you. "Chikao hates all the guys from Toman. After the announcement at the meeting, he couldn't stop complaining about them for the rest of the day."

"Sounds like a douche," you scoff, though you keep your comment quiet enough that she couldn't quite hear what you said. "I mean, what do you think about Chikao? Is he a good person?"

"Of course he is!" she explains almost defensively. "He's a wonderful person and I'd do anything for him."

Anything!? you repeat in your brain, taken back and alarmed at her choice of words. She'd do anything for him? That alone scares you.

"You know, maybe he just doesn't get along with them because he's from another gang. I saw that white jacket laying on your bed when we went inside," you admit to her.

Yuzuha sighs exasperatedly. Not at the fact that you admitted to snooping around her room, but because now she's got to hope you aren't going to be too mad about the whole situation. "He was in a gang, but he's not anymore. He got into drugs and was kicked out so he could go to rehab... When he got out I met him."

That's a bit strange. Thinking back to a couple of months ago, you remember having to sign papers for Chikao and Kisaki's friend who was apparently deep in drugs and sent to rehab. Is this a true story or a fabricated excuse they use when they want something?

"I'm sorry, Yuzuha. I didn't mean to pry, it wasn't my place," you apologize, thinking that you might have overstepped if the story is in fact true.

"Don't worry about it," she replies with the tiniest of smiles. "You're my friend. I don't want to hide anything from you anyway."

"Well I'm just happy that you're happy," you say with a similar gesture to hers.

"Thanks," she then giggles. "By the way, you've been pretty close with Takashi lately. What's up with that?"

"Eh? Mitsuya?" you repeat, caught off guard by her question so your lie sounds a bit, well, terrible. "I've just been keeping him company while Luna and Mana are gone, that's all."

"Oh yeah?" she smirks. "Is that all? Just keeping him company?"

"Hey, what happened to constantly trying to set me up with Hakkai?" you scoff.

"The kid gets hit on all the time at his job but never does a single thing about it," she rolls her eyes. "I'm assuming he must want to be alone forever."

"Come on, you shouldn't say that," you chuckle while shaking your head in disagreement. "He really looks up to you!"

"I know. He'll find the one someday. Just like you," she sings.

"Please," you roll your eyes as you place your key in the ignition. "That's probably the last thing I'm thinking about anymore."

Yuzuha lets out a small chuckle at your sentence, obviously not buying it because of your horrible lie earlier. She steps back and waves, watching as you do the same before you start up your bike and ride away.

{WICKED GAMES} Mitsuya x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now