forty five xxx

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"You know, the house still needs to be broken in..."

"Oh yeah?" he hums. "And how can we do that?"

You pull him close once more, kissing him a bit rougher this time. "I can think of something," you whisper.

Mitsuya grins as he gently pushes you back, leaning you up against the kitchen counter. You reach back and sit up on it before reaching out to him as he steps closer to you.

With a soft kiss, he wraps his arms around your waist. Warm hands grip you tightly, like always making you feel safe. When he leans his head back slightly, you find his smile running from cheek to cheek.

"I'm so lucky," he hums, "to have you moving in right above me."

"And I'm so lucky you're moving in right below," you chuckle.

With his smile still present, he nuzzles right into the crook of your neck and leaves a row of sweet kisses down to your shoulder.

As his fingers slide under your shirt, now reaching your soft skin, you wrap your legs around him as you await his next move. When he's ready he lifts you up, walking you to the bedroom like he's done it a million times before.

In your bedroom all you've got set up is your mattress on top of your bed frame thanks to Draken's hard work before you told him, "That's okay I can do it myself later" like the fool you are.

Nonetheless, Mitsuya places you on the bed and lays you down gently. As he leans over you, you snake your hands behind his neck and into the softness of his light hair.

He looks down at you and smirks. "You've got such a shitty bed; better hope we don't break it."

"If we do break it, maybe I can get a better one," you tease.

Mitsuya grins widely in agreement before disappearing, lowering himself between your legs without wasting any time at all. He loops his arms under the waistband of your pants and pulls them right down, bringing your panties along with them. Then, once you're finally revealed to him, he once more places himself between your legs, gripping tightly on your thighs as he pushes them upwards.

As he leans down, his eyes stay trailed on yours, watching your every move as he begins to leave wet kisses up and down the inside of your thighs. You bite the inside of your cheek as you keep any gasps from escape; he is teasing you after all.

You reach one of your hands down and grab a fistful of his hair. He looks up and once more watches your eyes, now sensing the desperation growing there. Slowly, he brings himself to your core, eyes glimmering as he licks one slow, thick stripe right between your folds. You can't escape the whines that break through from your throat at the sensation.

"Already so wet," he murmurs as he continues his job, licking those fat stripes all the way up to your clitoris and gently sucking as he savors each bit of taste. Everything he does grows you hotter and wetter as you begin to build to your climax.

You roll your hips against his face, your moans more audible across the room as he continues devouring you without a second thought. Soon, your legs attempt to close as your body becomes more and more sensitive to his touch. Yet he keeps a strong, gentle hold on your thighs, keeping you spread apart just the way he wants.

Your hand in his hair grips tightly into a fist as you come crashing down right onto his face while he pulls you over the edge. He then leans back, admiring what he's done as he watches your chest heave and you catch your breath.

"Turn around," he then hums.

After your head finally stops spinning, you do as he says. You sit up onto your knees and face around so your back is toward him. He then reaches for your waist and gently holds you as you begin to lay down.

When you're done, your face is buried right into the pillows below. However, one is soon stolen as he lifts up your hips and slides it right underneath you. It's then another moment of anxious waiting as you hear the sound of something ripping behind you, as though he's more prepared with a condom this time.

The anticipation kills you, even though it's only for a few seconds that you're laying there. But soon, he reaches down and squeezes the flesh of your ass. You can feel his hard cock pressed right up against you, instantly making you wish you could push him right inside.

"Ready?" he asks. If it were anyone else, you'd think that tone was borderline mockery. But he wouldn't do that to you, would he?

"Yes, please," you beg weakly. "Fuck me."

Mitsuya hums and kisses your cheek before sitting up and lining himself at your entrance. Slowly, he pushes in, sinking down until you're completely filled with him. You let out a gasp as pleasure rocks your entire body.

He starts off slowly, relying on your sounds to know how much to give you. He's so attentive, making sure to only give what he sees you looking for. It's like he knows exactly what you want without you even having to tell him... And when he notices that you are ready, he begins to quicken his pace.

You push your hips back, begging for more as he pounds his hips smack into your ass. From within the panting, moaning, and sounds of skin clapping the tiniest sounds of your shitty bed frame cracking could be heard. However, neither of you pay any mind or care until the frame gives out completely and your mattress drops to the floor.

"Shit," he curses under his breath. "Are you alright, Y/N?"

"Yeah," you mumble as he holds out a hand to you and helps you sit up. When you see the almost too-concerned look on his face, you smile up at him. "It doesn't mean we have to stop, though."

You then take his arm and pull him back over top of you. He smiles as he reconnects his lips with yours, kissing you again to reset the mood before sliding himself right back in. His hand reaches to one of your breasts, groping and squeezing roughly at the mound of flesh. With each time he harshly pinches or thumbs over your nipple, you realize they'll be aching in the morning but it's still completely worth it.

You find yourself tightening around him as your nails claw into his back and your legs squeeze his waist. Weakly, you admit to him that you aren't going to last much longer, and he agrees it's the same for him.

As he tells you he's getting close, you look up at his flushed face. That, paired with his now sloppy thrusts is enough evidence to back up his claim. But still, he looks so handsome with a focused face and strong arms caging you in that it's only a couple more pumps until you're creaming right around him.

He doesn't stop until he does the same, finishing inside of the condom. He then flips over beside you onto the now sunken mattress.

"Shit, now I've actually got to get a new bed," you chuckle before looking over at him with a smile. "Not that I'm complaining."

He replies with a chuckle before kissing you softly. "Good, 'cause I was so close to buying you one myself."

You grin as you straddle your legs over top of him. You look down at him softly as you run your hands through his hair once again.

"I'm so glad everything ended up like this," you whisper as you collapse down onto him.

"I am, too," he sighs satisfactorily.

"Hm, well let's go grab some blankets before we sleep on the floor. Shall we?" you giggle.

"That's as good of a plan as I can think of," he smiles. "Hopefully we can find where you stashed them."


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{WICKED GAMES} Mitsuya x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now