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"I had started going to Kisaki's club a little while after you. Mana and Luna left for a trip- studying abroad for school which I paid for with the money I make designing clothes. But after the girls left, I realized I was now completely broke."

"Kisaki and Hanma told me they'd give me a side job, something to pay the bills outside of my freelancing gig, so I took it. I didn't know what else to do. But anyway, they let me work as a bouncer for their club. I had no idea what I was about to get into..."

"When I did, I messed up... I told Hakkai about the club and that's how it all began."

"So this is the place, huh?" Hakkai asks, hands on his hips as we look upon the outside of the club. "Doesn't look like much."

"Come on, let's go in," I nod, allowing him in past my coworker who is at the door that night. Thinking back at it, he was probably the one who sold me out.

When we get inside, Hakkai's mouth drops. "Woah... Kisaki was holding out!"

"Shut up," I nudge him as I sit down on of the bouncy half-circle sofas. "I don't know what to do. I know I gotta tell Mikey, but if I do then I won't have a job anymore!"

"I could always help you find something," he nods as he sits beside me. "You don't need to worry about that, Taka-chan!"

"I didn't know how much their tuition would affect me," I sigh. "I knew that I'd help them go no matter what, but damn, man, this is rough!"

A moment later, a girl with a tray filled with drinks approaches us and smiles sweetly. "You boys want a drink?" she giggles.

Hakkai and I nod, we both know we could use the drink.

"At the time, I didn't know that Hanma had already spotted me at that point. He had previously told me not to tell anyone about the place but I didn't see him or Kisaki around so I thought I'd be okay. Obviously, I was wrong."

"I thought you wanted to make it big with the designing thing. What happened to that?" Hakkai asks.

"It'd be nice, in a perfect world... But I don't know," I mumble defeatedly.

The two of us drink for awhile, either accepting drinks from the smiling girls who walk by or going back and forth to the bar in turns.

"In a perfect world, hiccup, you messed up," Hakkai giggles even though he's messing up nearly every world.

"What?" I laugh at my friend's inability to form a solid sentence.

"You said before, hic, in a perfect world that you'd, hic, be a des-, hic, designer. But that's not true... You'd also, hic, also marry my sister!"

"Damn, don't say that in public," I shake my head. "You don't know who's listening to us-"

Just as I finish my sentences, a hand clamps down on my shoulder from behind the sofa. Without turning around I know it's either Kisaki or Hanma, and when he talks my suspicions are confirmed.

"Follow me. Kisaki wants to talk to you two."

"Stupid me, drunkenly forgetting in the moment that I wasn't supposed to have Hakkai there, agreed without even hesitation. We went upstairs together where Kisaki's nerdy ass waited for us in that meeting room of his."

"Behind him stood a man with wild, black hair, bright red eyes shielded behind a small pair of glasses, and a cigarette sticking out the side of his mouth. He was in the back and it was super dark. I never recognized him as Chikao since it was my first time meeting him, but I also could barely even see him."

"Who's that?" I ask as I nod towards the shadowed figure in the back corner. "He's not from Toman, is he?"

"He's none of your business," Hanma speaks first, but is quickly interrupted by Kisaki.

"I don't remember inviting Hakkai here. Kick him out."

Hanma's large hand lifts up in a fist. Hakkai hardly has time to react before Hanma's hand cracks down hard over his head and knocks him down on his knees. The two of them then leave, Hakkai being dragged out by his arm.

"What was that for?" I ask Kisaki once the door is shut closed behind my friend's feet. "You're being ridiculous, Kisa-"

"You were not told to tell anyone about this club, were you?" he asks with an angered expression on his face.

"That asshole was talking down at me as though we weren't equals. It pissed me off to my very core."

"No, I-"

"Then I can't see why Hakkai was told. I'm going to have to deal with that now."

"Huh?!" I gasp as his words leave his mouth. "You can't kill him! Mikey would find out and-"

"Mikey's not going to find out. I'm not an idiot, Mitsuya," he scoffs.

"Then just let him go!"

"Only if you can promise me that he won't say anything," he smirks. "Think you can do that for me?"

"You ass," I scoff. "Fine. Neither of us will say anything."

"Very well," he nods. "I won't do anything with Hakkai, but that doesn't mean you're off the hook. Get out and go home. You reek of alcohol."

"I did what he said. I didn't want to cause any more problems or make things worse for Hakkai. But I did almost forget the subtle warning that I wasn't off the hook... Nor was it until a while after that I realized they had overheard everything they had said. They had a plan, and they were just waiting for the right moment to begin."

"When I got home, I called Hakkai. He said he was fine and I filled him in on what happened when he left. We both reluctantly promised that we wouldn't speak to anyone about Kisaki's club again. But even though we didn't do anything against Kisaki's will, we were both being watched..."


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{WICKED GAMES} Mitsuya x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now