thirty two

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For the night of the rehearsal dinner, you had asked Hakkai to give you a ride since your bike is absolutely demolished. He agreed and explained that along with him he will also have Yuzuha and Mitsuya.

You step yourself into a pretty ruffle dress you found laying in the back of your closet just in time before the doorbell rings. When you're ready, you walk over to the door and open it up to see Yuzuha's bright smile beam on the other side.

"Oh my God, Y/N, you look super cute!" she gasps as she takes your hand and spins you around. She's got on a knee-length light blue dress that looks just like something Mitsuya would design.

After the two of you exchange compliments, you look past her and see Mitsuya through the driver's window. He's closely watching the way you move as you show off your dress to your friend.

Once you grab your belongings and lock your door behind you, Yuzuha begins to lead you towards the car. "Do you think you could talk to Takashi tonight?" she hums in a whisper.

"Huh? I'm not ignoring him or anything... Did it seem like I was?" you ask worriedly.

"No, no, it's not like that. He's just been kinda... down lately. I'll explain more later," she tells you as she opens the car door for you.

You slide in and smile at the two guys in the front while Yuzuha shuts the door. Then, on the way to the dinner, all you and Yuzuha can talk about is how exciting it is that Emma is actually getting married. It makes you happy that you're able to be genuinely excited for your friend without having guilty thoughts plague your mind any longer.

When you arrive on site, a new, modern-looking brewery, you are absolutely awestruck. The inside is lined with green and pink flora throughout the walls and furniture while four round, wooden tables are spread out across the private room you're walking into.

The first people you meet are Emma and Draken. Emma squeezes you tight and whispers a "thank you for all of your help and support" while the hug you give Draken is still somewhat awkward. However, the compliment that he gives you causes your cheeks to swell and heat up.

"Thank you, Y/N. I really appreciate how you did your best to look out for me even after I called you a traitor. Like Mitsuya said, we really should have put our faith in you more," he breathes.

"It's nothing," you smile up at him as you pull away.

You're then suddenly ripped away from him as Yuzuha takes your hand and guides you over to an empty table. The second you sit down, an employee comes by and places two champagne glasses before you.

"Thanks," Yuzuha giggles as she accepts the unexpected drink.

"Thank you," you hum as the employee nods and walks away. Almost immediately, Yuzuha takes a sip from one of the small glasses. "Do you think it's a good idea for you to be drinking?" you ask, a bit worried that she might get carried away after the insane week she just had... Not to mention that this was supposed to be her rehearsal dinner.

"Please, Y/N," she sighs. "With the week I had, I need it."

"Just don't go too crazy, alright?"

"I won't," she promises. "But if you're going to be worried about someone, you should worry about Takashi. He's been staying over at my and my brother's house since the incident. The worst part, though, is that he hardly says a word.

She then takes a second to look around before lowering her voice into a hush. "I've been trying to comfort him as best I can, but I don't know what to do. I thought maybe you could get him out of this funk. Maybe you even know what's bothering him."

"I have no idea," you admit to her. All this time you thought that he was the one comforting her, not the other way around.

Just then, Hakkai sits down beside Yuzuha with a glass of wine and a big smile across his lips.

"Woah, look at you Hakkai," Yuzuha teases. "Plan on getting wine drunk?"

"No. I'm going to drive on the way back so it's just this one glass for me," he nods before taking a sip from the glass.

"What about Takashi?" you ask. "He drove us here."

"That dude needs a drink more than anyone else. I mean look at how worked up he is over here," Yuzuha nods to him behind you.

The three of you look over and see Mitsuya desperately attempting to talk to Mikey, who's just not having it. Could they possibly be having the same conversation you wanted to have with Mikey?

"I'll go talk to him," you tell the two of them as you rise from your seat. "I'll be right back."

You walk over and interrupt the conversation between Mitsuya and Mikey with an innocent "Hey, guys. What's up?!" Something that sounds totally fake considering that the last time you saw Mikey he almost punched your lights out.

The two of them both look back at you with a deadpanned expression, as though you really did just walk in the middle of a weighty conversation. However, you do your best to act as though you're completely oblivious to it in the hopes that maybe you can casually ask Mikey the questions you're yearning to ask.

Mitsuya nods. "Uh, hey, Y/N."

"What're you guys talking about?" you wonder politely.

"Nothing," Mikey shakes his head. "The conversation was over."

"No, wait, please," Mitsuya calls to Mikey as he grabs his shoulder, a gesture that makes you stiffen in fear. "Mikey, I really need to know."

"What's, uh, goin' on?" you chuckle nervously, wanting to hear the answer as well.

Mikey looks directly at you as he chooses to ignore Mitsuya for his own benefit. "The Second Division Captain needs to get it through his head that the incident from the other day is over. Hanma got rid of Chikao for us and Kisaki is gone. It's over."

With that, Mikey ripes his shoulder out of Mitsuya grabs and walks off.

"What was that about?" you ask Mitsuya who sighs in disappointment.

"Something's off about Han-" he begins, only to stop as he looks over at you. At just about the same time, an arm wraps lazily around your shoulders. You look to your side and find Hanma hovering right above you.

"Hey, you two. What's goin' on?" he grins. Mitsuya narrows his eyes at Hanma. "Calm down, dude. We're cool now, I've righted my wrongs. And Mikey, Emma, and Draken are all fine with me being here, so you should be, too. Besides, I missed my inconsiderate little girlfriend who didn't ask me for a ride tonight."

Your blood begins to boil but evaporates into thin air as Hanma pats you on the head before just casually walking off. Mitsuya, however, still looks as though he'd love to punch him again.

"You got a second?" you then ask him, secretly hoping to calm him down a bit, too. "It's been a few days, I think we should catch up."

He collects his breath as he turns back to you and nods politely. "Yeah, that sounds good."


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