thirty eight

993 44 16

Y/N'S P.O.V.

After everything that happened at the reception and dealing with the unconscious members of the Otsuda gang, Emma decided to move the after party to a bar in Shibuya near Draken's place. You spend your time there with Yuzuha at the bar and a drink in your hand. Yuzuha does, too, multiple drinks in fact, and her face is bright red from giggling so much. With everything going on in her life right now, she's hoping to have a night to forget it all.

"I just can't believe they're already married! It felt like last week I- they got engaged!" she hiccups and beams even though Emma isn't even around. You know she feels quite poorly about everything with Chikao, too, so you're willing to let her have her night of fun. And when she does get a bit sad, you do your best to cheer her up.

"Like you always say to me, you'll find someone good soon," you smile.

"Yeah, maybe," she giggles, "but nothing compared to the way you and Taka-chan are turning out!" You roll your eyes playfully at her comment. "Has he kissed you?" she then asks.

"No, it's really not like that yet..."

"Yet?" she hums teasingly. "Maybe you should go talk to him."

Just as you're about to answer, your eyes are caught on the figures of Mitsuya and Hakkai approaching the car. The two of you look over and watch as Hakkai sits beside his sister and Mitsuya takes the seat beside you.

"Hey, what're you two drinking?" Hakkai asks Yuzuha as you smile over at Mitsuya.

"You got a second?" the man beside you asks.

"For you? Of course," you grin, but as you turn back to the other two, they're already getting up to leave. Yuzuha waves goodbye before she's ultimately half-carried away by her brother.

"It's finally over," Mitsuya sighs, turning your attention back to him.

"It was executed horribly," you chuckle, "but our half-assed plans actually worked. I can hardly believe it."

Mitsuya chuckles at your comment. "Yeah, well we were a pretty great team," he hums, not purposefully causing your face to heat up.

"By the way, Y/N, I know I've already apologized, but I truly am sorry for the times I didn't put my complete faith in you. You're a really strong and amazing person. I really should have shown how much I believed in you, but the way I acted I... just feel really shitty about it all."

"Is that what you came over here to say?" you ask. "Takashi, it's okay, really. You've been nothing but good to me this entire time. You had my back up 'til now. Sure, we had our bumps along the way, but it wasn't like we didn't get along."

"You're right," he nods. "Thanks, Y/N. Oh, and you really did worry me sick, you know!"

"What? How?!"

"Do you even need to ask that?" he sighs as she shakes his head. "You're always getting yourself in situations like joining Otusda where I couldn't do anything but watch from afar."

"You creep," you tease. "What was I supposed to do?"

"I don't know," he shrugs as a small grin tugs at the corner of his lips. "As long as you're not really going out with that zombie bastard, I don't really mind any longer."

When Mitsuya stops speaking, you notice his eyes drop down to your lips. You feel your heart skip a beat as Yuzuha's words about kissing him echo in your ears.

"Of course not," you breathe, "I'd never actually date that asshole."

"You know, it's strange," he says as his eyebrows knit together, "I could have sworn he was married, too."

{WICKED GAMES} Mitsuya x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now