forty six

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A few days in since you and Mitsuya started setting up the store, Luna and Mana return home from their schooling abroad. It's also been a little over a week since you moved into your new apartment. You've kept a room clean as extra space for Mitsuya to use as a workspace since he's been basically living with you these last few days. However, you know that it'll be different now that he'll have Luna and Mana waiting for him at home.

A little while Mitsuya picked his two sisters up from the airport, you meet up with them downstairs at the new store later that morning. Luna and Mana look between you and their brother shocked at how close the two of you have become since they left. You were always hanging around them and Yuzuha previously, but they've never seen you around him like this.

While he gives them a tour of his new shop, they can't help but admire every little aspect of it. You can tell they're overjoyed for him; it's quite clear that Mitsuya really deserves this. 

"Hey," Luna whispers as she pulls you aside. "Why's Takashi still living at home?"

"He was waiting for the two of you to come back," you smile innocently. "He missed both of you so much." 

But as you give your answer, Luna's eyebrows knit together in confusion. "Aren't you two dating?" she finally whispers.

For a moment, you're taken aback by her question. Yet, it doesn't bother you too much. "He's never officially asked me," you shake your head. "So no, not technically."

Just then, Mana dances towards the two of you with a dress pressed up against her body as she pretends she's actually wearing it. "Really?" she hums. "It's quite obvious that he's in love with you."

You look between the two of them and smile shyly. "I'm sure, but maybe eventually it'll lead to more."

The two sisters exchange a look before Luna asks, "Okay then, how do you feel about him?"

"I like him a lot," you admit, "and I enjoy my time with him."

Mana gasps. "Are you in love with our brother?" she teases, though they both look dead serious.

You pause for a second, a bit unsure of how to respond. The answer is quite obvious, of course you love him, but you've never actually admitted that out loud before.

Without needing to hear anymore, Mana hums to herself and spins around with the dress. "You should tell him," she sings before twirling off to meet her brother.

Luna grins and nods in agreement. "We've got such a small house. He'll be so much happier living with you, honest."

"Don't say it like that," you smile softly as you try to be considerate of their feelings. "He talks nonstop about the two of you. He wants to be with you both more than anything."

"Yeah, well, all he talks about over the phone is you," she shrugs before reaching out her hand and smiling. As you accept it, she walks you right back to the others. 

Mitsuya smiles quietly at you as you approach, which doesn't go unnoticed by his sisters.

"So," Mana clears her throat, "where do you keep all of your stuff?"

"In the back," he points, "but admittedly there is a decent amount up in Y/N's apartment, too."

Luna sighs as she shakes her head in disappointment. "Really? You had her move above you just to take up room in her apartment. Just move in with her already."

Mitsuya chuckles at the comment, not realizing the seriousness in his sister's tone. "If I did that, who would take care of you two?"

You nod in blissfully ignorant agreement. The two girls shake their heads and instead change the conversation. In the end, you show them up to your apartment. They're both impressed with your setup and the nice new bed that you got 'just because you wanted to treat yourself'. 

"This place would be perfect for two people," Luna hums, resulting in a light nudge in the arm from you.

Mana gasps when she gets to your room, remembering the dress that Mitsuya told her all about. You smile and carefully take it down from its hanger to show her.

"Oh, wow," she gasps, "it really was a wedding dress! I can almost see how it looked before! I bet it wouldn't even be too hard to reverse if he wanted to." She then hums to herself as she holds it up to her body and checks herself out in your mirror.

"You've been back for a few hours yet you're already planning years in advance," you chuckle lightly.

"Years? Oh, honey who are you trying to fool? You'd marry him in a heartbeat!"

When the corner of your lip lifts a mere centimeter, Mana catches on right away.

"Yep, there it is! I knew it!"

"Yep, there it is! I knew it!"

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I sit down on Y/N's couch as Takashi and I wait for Y/N and Mana to come back from the bedroom. My brother sits down beside me and sighs happily.

"So? What do you think?" he asks.

I look at him like he's completely stupid, which he is being right now.


"Be more specific," I reply with a shake of my head. "Are you going to go to design school or something?"

"What? No, why would I do that? I've got a shop, I don't really have time for something like that. Maybe after I've worked up enough money then I could-"

"Why are you still living at home then?"

He shakes his head. "I'm not going to push my luck. It was nice enough for Y/N to buy this place, I'm not just going to ask her if I can move in here with her."

I smirk at how easy it was for him to step right into my trap. "I never said anything about moving in..."

His body jumps once he realizes what he's just admitted.

"You said it, not me, big brother," I hum. "But if that's how you feel, you should find some way to talk to her about it..."


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{WICKED GAMES} Mitsuya x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now