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Once Hanma's got me in front of the crowd of Otsuda members, he spins me to face them and runs his hands down my sides. You do your best to keep your composure beneath him where he's wordlessly making you understand that's where you belong.

At this point in your night, you're completely blown away by how far he's taken this whole thing. Never once did you think that you'd be brought directly to the group of people you wanted so desperately to know about.

"Don't worry, babe," Hanma whispers after placing a gentle kiss on your cheek. "You look so nervous, but you shouldn't be."

He then stands almost directly in front of you and extends his arms out wide before shouting into the crowd, "Tonight we are going to introduce our newest member into Otsuda!"

Gleefully, he spins on his heels and presents you to the group. You stand frozen still, completely shocked by his announcement. You become part of Otsuda? No way!

Hanma turns to you with a big smile on his stupidly handsome face and waits for you to say something for your own initiation. Instead, you glare at him and whisper, "I can't be part of Otsuda! What about Toman?!"

Almost as if he's loving your response, he smirks and speaks loudly as he responds to you while also vocalizing for the rest of the crowd to hear. "No worries, Y/N! Toman isn't going to be around for much longer anyway!"

At the sound of his triumphant declaration, the crowd goes absolutely nuts with shouts and screams in agreement. Hanma holds out his left hand, the one marked with 'sin' across the top.

"You're making the right decision to join us, Y/N. Don't back down now," he hums.

Hesitantly, you accept his hand. What else are you supposed to do in this situation? If you don't do it then this whole thing will have been for nothing. Besides, you're in a room surrounded by those who will then see you as a rival gang member.

He smirks down at you as you take his hand. "I love having you on my side," he whispers. "You'll be so crucial in executing this plan, you know."

He then reaches his 'punishment' hand down towards the crowd and pills a white jacket from the hands of one of the Otsuda guys. In almost an instant, it's thrown around you and wrapped loosely around your shoulders.

With a bright smile still on his face, he shouts, "To our new Treasurer!"

Your heart races as you watch cheers and shouts erupt from the room once again. Now, even more people begin to gather from out of absolutely nowhere. The twenty or thirty people there before almost instantly quadruples! There's got to be at least one hundred people applauding for the newest member, and new Treasurer, of their gang.

After the celebration and cheering have died down, Hanma wraps his around your waist and happily parades you around the room as if he was presenting you as his new, prized possession.

"You'll do so well here," he smirks as he bends over to your eye level. "Make sure you get that two million yen for me, alright?"

"What does that have to do with you making me part of your secret gang?" you whisper as you walk through the crowd of people congratulating the two of you. (Seriously, Hanma's eating all of that attention up!)

"I know you'd rather not be watched for the next seventy-two hours so, instead, I came up with this. If you're part of Otsuda and are seen as a traitor, we'll just have to kill you, too," he says as his smirk extends further across his face.

He then walks you in silence towards the front door and stops once the two of you get outside. "You look cute when you're all flustered like that, you know. Not to mention how good you look in that jacket; I'd do anything to rip it off right now." His smile then drops into a more serious expression in almost the blink of an eye as he watches how silently you stare back at him.

"I know there's way more to you than what you're telling me," he hums as he leans close to your ear. Then, with his breath hot on your skin, he adds, "That's probably my favorite part about you, babe. Please don't make me have to kill you. You're way too beautiful to die."

"You don't have to worry about that," you scoff. "I can get the money, no problem."

Pleased with your response, he stands up straight and beams. "Of course you won't. That's just like you Ko-"

You quickly interrupt him as you wrap your hands around his neck and tug him down to you, kissing him square on the lips. Anything it takes, you remind yourself, and you honestly don't want to be thinking about your familial history right now. If only you had been greedier before and stolen that second shot. You could have really used it tonight.

When you pull away from him, an unintentional pout forms on your lips. "I didn't want you bringing that up," you scoff. "You should know I don't like talking about my family."

Hanma laughs, completely fine with being kissed instead of keeping up with his flirtatious teasing that's causing him more of a strain than it is to you. "Okay, love, good luck then." He then pulls you close once more, kissing you gently on the cheek before standing up, hovering right above you.

"'Til next time, babe," he says just before turning back into the half-constructed building and leaving you outside on your own.

You're honestly quite a bit stunned.

One: You just kissed him right on the lips with hardly any hesitation.

Two: His lips were so soft- I mean, that asshole just left you out here in the middle of the night on your own!

Three: How the hell are you going to get that money? Guess you really might have to resort to asking him.

"Psst, Y/N!" A soft voice then calls from a distance away. Thinking it sounded familiar, you turn around and see something move across the street. You've got nothing better to do, you might as well walk over to check it out.

 You've got nothing better to do, you might as well walk over to check it out

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{WICKED GAMES} Mitsuya x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now