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The following morning you wake up with your phone buzzing from under your pillow. You pull it out and open your eyes just enough to peer at the contact name that's blowing you up with messages. It's too early for Hanma to be bothering you, so what the fuck? And when the name DRAKEN registers in your brain, you almost turn your phone on silent and go back to bed.

What are the odds that he's texting me to say he broke it off with Emma just for me?

You scoff to yourself as you unlock your phone, deciding to check what is so damn important that he feels the need to spam you. However, as you begin to read the texts, you immediately sit up in bed.

DRAKEN: Get your ass to Toman right now Y/N!

"Oh shit! What did I do?!" you gasp as you jump up and out of your bed.

The thoughts race through your brain, trying to think of what you possibly did to piss him off. You get dressed as quickly as you can and race across town on the motorcycle you'd purchased after joining Toman and gaining the financial stability.

After hopping off your bike and running in search of Draken, when you finally find him you bend over with your hands on your knees and catch your breath.

"I came here, huff, as fast as I could," you tell him, though you don't get a single word in response.

You then look up where you see he looks like he's just about ready to kill you with his annoyingly huge bare hands.

"What's wrong?" you ask bravely, despite that your insides are trembling in fear.

He grabs you by the shoulder roughly and pulls you with him towards Mikey where he eventually dumps you off. Just like you, Mikey looks extremely confused.

"What's wrong?" the commander asks.

"Y/N's a damn traitor," Draken spits.

"What!?" you gasp. "No, I'm not. What the hell?! I didn't even do anything. What are you talking about, Draken?!"

"Keep lying, see where that gets you," he scoffs. "You gave the Otsuda gang, a rival gang, one million yen for who knows what reason!"

Memories of the previous night flood back to you. Kisaki had told you Mikey signed off on it. Sure, you were a bit skeptical, but seeing the darkness grow in Mikey's eyes you can be sure that he knew nothing about it.

"Did you do that?" he asks, trying to give you the benefit of the doubt.

"I, uh, I did..." you mutter.

I can't tell Mikey the truth. If he found out everything else that happened I'd be in even deeper shit for not telling them earlier. How am I going to get out of this!?

"Mikey, listen, I didn't know they were a rival gang. I-"

"Bullshit," Draken calls out.

Being called out like that is like being cornered and pushed up against a wall. You feel incredibly small compared to the two of them hovering and glaring down darkly at you. You can almost feel Mikey's foot against your face, smacking you to the ground and firing you from Toman.

But then, like an angel from out of nowhere, a new voice asks to give you a bit of room to breathe.

"Stay out of this, Mitsuya," Draken groans. "Don't get involved in her mess."

"If I did that then you'd be punishing her for something that isn't her fault," he sighs as he continues to approach the three of you.

"I put you in charge of our money so you wouldn't lose it," Mikey grumbles. "Where the hell did it go then?"

Mitsuya once again stops the two of them and delicately explains that Kisaki tricked you into thinking that Toman had already owed the Otsuda gang that much.

Draken scoffs in disbelief. "You actually believed that lie?"

"Well, uh, I don't think Y/N has been feeling well the last few days," Mitsuya adds. "I've been... taking care of her."

Some caretaker.

Mikey, by this point, looks completely lost. His eyes are blank as if he's stopped following the conversation altogether. Or maybe he's trying to piece everything together? Who knows.

"Why didn't you stop it?" the confused commander asks.

"I didn't know until it was already too late," Mitsuya explains.

Draken narrows his eyes, still very skeptical about the captain's explanation. "You should have told us before now."

"That is why I'm here now," Mitsuya smiles slyly.

As Mitsuya and Draken share an awkward moment of tension, you can tell that both the commander and vice-commander are unsure of what to actually believe.

"Fine," Mikey sighs. "Don't let it happen again." He then turns to Draken, saying something that makes your heart and stomach sink. "Go get that angry-looking guy and the one with the burn mark."

"Are you kidding me?!" you interrupt. "You're gonna ask him for money instead of letting me get it?"

Draken then walks between you and Mikey, briefly interrupting your vision for a moment. When he passes, the look on your commander's face is most definitely different now.

"Of course I am. But the next time this happens, instead, I'll kill you."

Your whole body tenses at his harsh words. "Yes, of course. I got it! I'm sorry, Mikey!" you say as you bend yourself down to bow.

He then sighs. "Stand up, Y/N." When you do as you're told, he takes an additional step towards you and examines your face. "Mitsuya's right, you don't look well. How have you been feeling?"

"Ehh?! Oh, um, better now, I suppose. Mitsuya was watching me so there's no need to worry," you half-lie.

Mikey looks over at Mitsuya and quirks a bow. "Oh? And what about the Shibas?"

Shibas? Is Mikey referring to Hakkai's siblings, too? Why would he ask that?

Mitsuya shakes his head calmly. "Hakkai and Yuzuha are fine. Luna and Mana are away on vacation so I had time to watch Y/N for a bit. It wasn't a problem."

Mikey nods as if he's accepted Mitsuya's answer. "Okay. The two of you can go. Feel better, Y/N."

"Thanks," you reply with a somewhat-nervous smile.

When you and Mitsuya get far enough away from Mikey, you let out a sigh of relief. You never thought you'd actually be this grateful to have seen Mitsuya after that night.

"I think Mikey might really kill me if he finds out the truth," you sigh.

"He won't," he assures you. "Just do as he says and stop going to the damn club."

As you reach your bike, you dismiss Mitsuya's comment. "Yeah, whatever. I'm going home to sleep."

Mitsuya looks concerned, but you don't bother to look back until after you've already taken off on your bike. You look through your rearview mirror towards where you left him in the dust, silently thanking him for saving you back there.

 You look through your rearview mirror towards where you left him in the dust, silently thanking him for saving you back there

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{WICKED GAMES} Mitsuya x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now