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After excusing yourself from the bathroom, you fumble with your phone as you try to message Hakkai and Mitsuya an update about what you just learned. However, in the process of doing so, you end up bumping into someone.

"Sor-" you begin before looking up and finding the one person you didn't want to bump into staring down at you with a smirk across his lips. "Ah, Hanma," you smile fakely, "Just the person I was looking for!"

"Hm?" he questions as though he's wondering whether or not to buy into your lie. "Hey, baby, long time no see. Where have you been?"

You grumble and take him by the hand, leading him to the bar for just one drink you can't resist taking. Not after everything you just learned. Hanma chuckles to himself but follows right behind you.

With a pout on your face, you sit down at the bar and look over coyly at the tall man taking a seat beside you. "I need a drink," you huff.

"I'm sure you do," he hums. "Don't worry. I'll buy you one, princess."

"A shot... please," you sigh.

Hanma nods in understanding before waving his hand to the bartender and lifting up two fingers from one of his tatted hands. You let the expression on your face succumb to the pout you're putting up as you rest your head on your cheek and look up at Hanma lazily.

"What's wrong, love?" he asks as he looks down at you, eyes almost showing concern even though you know it's probably just a facade. "Why are you pouting at me?"

"It's Draken and Emma," you huff.

"Still down about that shitty proposal, huh?" he smirks.

"Mhm. If only they'd break up," you scoff. "I'd do anything to see that."

Hanma chuckles and nods to the bartender as he receives the two shots. You watch him carefully, wondering if he's beginning to buy your little charade. Perhaps he does, judging by the big smirk on his lips as he passes you one of the small glasses and bumps the other against it. You exchange a quick glance with him, a mutual appreciation for the conversation break, before chugging the drink back at the same time as him.

"Ya know," he hums as he places down the shot glass and twirls it around with his index finger, "Kisaki and I could help you out... if you're willing to give something in return."

Your eyes widen. You've got Hanma right where you want him. "Anything," you whisper.

"You've got to be serious, though, Y/N!" he snaps back quickly. "No backing out once we go to him."

"I promise," you hum seductively as you slide one of your hands onto his thigh. "I told you, Shuji, I'm so desperate I'd do anything for the help."

"Get up," he huffs darkly as he grabs your hand roughly and stands up before you can even process what he's going. "Let's go, you said you wanted to see Kisaki so hurry up!"

"Okay," you nod, trying to hide a smile as you allow him to guide you away from the bar.

You walk by his side across the club, allowing his hand to stay linked to yours all the way up to the second floor. Your heart begins beating out of your chest. God, you should have stolen that second shot from Hanma. The hell does he even need it for anyway?

"By the way," you ask as you look down at the crowd that's below you now, "What's up with telling everyone that we're going out?"

"Oh?" he hums. You can tell that he's got a smirk on his face without even having to look at him. "Are we not?"

"Whatever it takes, okay?" Mitsuya's words from a few hours before stick in your head just as you try to think of an answer.

"I'd love nothing more," you reply as you turn your head to face him, showing off a cheesy smile.

{WICKED GAMES} Mitsuya x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now