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Y/N'S P.O.V.

Your eyes shoot open to the sound of shouting from far away. As you sit up, you begin to realize you had been sleeping in Yuzuha's bed. It's dark now, so you've probably been lying down for quite some time. As you sit up a loud sting impacts the side of your head. Great, another headache.

You stand up slowly and wait for a bit of dizziness to die down before wobbling your way over to the closed door. You stabilize yourself for a second as your hand reaches the doorknob while you catch your breath.

Before opening the door, your eyes catch on Yuzuha's nearby mirror. In your reflection you find yourself wearing a Toman jacket that's too big to be your own. Not to mention it has the familiar faint scent of cologne the Mitsuya's keen to wearing.

You wonder if he's downstairs. You really should thank both him and Yuzuha for helping you out before. You can hardly remember how you even got yourself in that situation...

Slowly, you turn the doorknob and stagger over to the stairs. You're quite silent as you begin to descend them. Mitsuya and Yuzuha come into view first, sitting side by side, though they don't notice you. Hakkai sits across from them with a  concerned expression on his face. He's all beat up, too. You stop about halfway down the stairs and none of them notice.

"So, uh, I'm not exactly sure who did it but Chikao is, um, gone..."

You throw your hand over your mouth to keep yourself from gasping and sink down onto the steps to remain hidden from the group. Kisaki and Hanma's plan to swallow Toman into Otsuda is finally over. There's no more Chikao, and Kisaki's severely injured thanks to Mikey and Yuzuha. Who knows what happened to Hanma.

Yuzuha wails when she hears the news and throws her arms around Mitsuya who, in turn, does his best to comfort her. It's only then that Hakkai looks up and sees you sitting on the stairs with a pained look on your face. However, his expression looks even more wounded than yours.

Thinking that it's about time to make your presence known, you walk downstairs and silently take a seat beside Hakkai.

"Are you alright?" he whispers.

You glance over at Mitsuya who's too busy comforting Yuzuha to even notice you're there.

"Fine," you respond simply.

Yuzuha sniffles when she hears your voice and looks over at you. "Y/N, I'm so glad you're okay," she smiles softly.

"All because of you," you nod. "Thanks, Yuzuha."

She sniffles once more but wipes her eyes and nods silently.

"Do you want a ride home?" Hakkai asks. "You don't have your bike around."

"That'd be nice," you sigh a bit relieved at the thought of going home. "Mine is kinda trashed..."

When you look across at the others, Mitsuya gives you a bit of a strange glance, but you smile back at him politely despite being a bit confused at the gesture.

"Alright, just give me a sec," Hakkai nods as he stands up and walks off to gather his things.

You regrettably take off Mitsuya's jacket and place it beside him on the arm of the couch as you stand up. His hands are too preoccupied with holding onto Yuzuha to let go anyway.

"Thank you for letting me borrow your jacket," you hum a bit painfully. You'd much rather keep the warm jacket, than give it back to be completely honest. But it isn't yours, so giving it back is the right thing to do.

Mitsuya opens his mouth to speak, but before he can get any words out, Hakkai calls to you.

"C'mon, Y/N, let's go."

{WICKED GAMES} Mitsuya x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now