thirty three

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You and Mitsuya walk outside to the back of the brewery. You find two wooden rocking chairs overlooking the green forest behind the brewery and sit down. As Mitsuya sits, a long, tired sigh escapes from between his lips.

"You look tired as hell, what's going on?" you ask as he stares out into the forest.

"I didn't want to bother you after everything you went through," he admits, "but something's off about this whole thing."

You're a bit shocked to hear him say that. You feel the same way, but you didn't know he'd been thinking about it, too.

"What were you and Mikey talking about?" you ask.

"I wanted to question him about the incident from the other day, about Chikao."


"Mikey said Hanma killed him."

"Huh?!" your eyes widen. So that's why Hanma's still kept around. He made it look like he betrayed Otsuda for Toman's benefit. "There's no way he actually did that."

Mitsuya shrugs. "I don't exactly believe Hanma either but Mikey's convinced."

"Well- And what about Kisaki?" you gasp anxiously.

He shakes his head disappointedly. "I've got no leads, but at least he's out of Toman now."

"It doesn't matter if Kisaki's out!" you whisper shout. "They've still got their foot in the door with Hanma here!"

"I know. You've got to be extra careful when you're around him, Y/N," he tells you as he sits up in his chair tensely. "Got it?!"

"Got what?" Hakkai's voice calls as the back door to the brewery slides open. "What are you two doin' back here?" he smirks. You can almost instantly tell he's had more than one glass of wine.

"Hanma," you sigh.

Hakkai groans at the mention of that name. "Yeah, I saw him, too. That jerk."

You and Mitsuya exchange a knowing glance as Hakkai stumbles over to you.

"Were you drinking?" Mitsuya asks almost confused by the sight of his friend that way. You doubt he's ever seen Hakkai drunk before. You know you haven't.

"What happened to the one glass?"

"I needed more than one after what I just saw," he huffs.

"What're you talking about?" Mitsuya asks.

"Draken and Hanma... hugging," Hakkai shutters.

"This isn't good," you mumble. "He's got everyone thoroughly convinced..."

"At least the three of us and Yuzuha still have our senses!" Hakkai grins.

"Really?" you tease as you smile at Hakkai. "Do you have your senses with you right now?"

As the three of you laugh and switch to a lighter conversation, the brewery door slides open once more and two sets of footsteps being to approach. As you look over, you see Yuzuha and Emma walking towards your group.

"Mitsuya, did you bring that thing the three of us discussed?" Emma hums.

Mitsuya quickly looks at you and then back to the two girls. "Yeah, it's in my car."

Emma and Yuzuha beam and grab hold of your hands. The three of you run right through the venue, wasting absolutely no time. As you zoom past, your eyes catch on Hanma's who watches you with a smirk. You narrow your eyes back at him which only serves to help the smirk grow wider on his face.

{WICKED GAMES} Mitsuya x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now