forty four

967 39 2

On the morning of your move-in date, the doorbell rings right after you and Mitsuya wake up. You run to the door, expecting to see Inupi and Draken, but are surprised to see your brother standing beside them.

"What are you doing here, Hajime?" you smirk. "I thought you didn't want to help?"

"Yeah, well I want to make sure you don't get anyone hurt. I'd end up paying for the medical bills after all," he huffs.

"Ha ha, very funny," you reply after sticking out your tongue.

Draken and Inupi shake their heads as they walk past you into your house. You then smile softly at your brother.

"Thanks, though, I really do appreciate it," you hum quietly. But just as you're about to step closer and hug him, Draken's voice in the other room steals your attention.

"Holy shit, Y/N. What the hell do you have in these boxes?!"

When you turn around, you find Draken carrying a box of who knows what. You packed everything in such a rush you don't even know what ended up where.

Your brother sighs. "That's just like you, cramming everything together and not even paying enough attention to where it should go," he shakes his head as he walks past you. "Guess I'll have to help."

A little while later, Yuzuha, Emma, and Hakkai arrive soon. The large group begins to move out the boxes as well as your furniture, placing it into a large truck that you believe Koko rented (even though he'll never admit it).

Once the place is emptied out, you write and leave a note for your landlord on the kitchen counter. You then take a look around your home once more, thinking of the memories you had in each room and making sure that you've left nothing important behind.

A small smile creeps up on your face as you walk out of your bedroom, remembering that you're going to live above Mitsuya's store. Now you'll finally have a good reason to see him every day without having to worry about the death of a friend or a substance abuse problem.

On your way out, you lock the door behind you and place the key under the mat just like your landlord had asked. Mitsuya then tosses you your helmet, passing you a small grin when he notices the upset look in your eyes.

"Thanks," you hum quietly as you mount your new bike.

You drive around the side of the truck and wave, chuckling to yourself when you see Draken in the driver's seat waving back at you. You then take off, leading the truck towards your new home.

When you arrive, everyone lets out a deep sigh before beginning to move everything into the new apartment. It's a bit difficult to unload the boxes since you aren't quite sure where to place all of your unlabeled boxes, but in the end, everything turns out alright.

In the early evening, once the boxes and furniture are all upstairs, everyone falls apart in your new living space. Yuzuha and Hakkai flop over the backside of your sofa, Draken lays his head down on Emma's shoulder while she hugs him, and you collapse on top of your brother who's laying like a starfish on the ground.

A few minutes later you hear a bit of whispering between the two other siblings just before they stand up. "We've got something to go do," Yuzuha nods firmly before quickly leaving with Hakkai right behind her.

"God, I'm so hungry," your brother then mumbles.

"Me too," you sigh.

"Don't suppose you've got any food, do you?"

You look over at Mitsuya who shakes his head no. No food in the refrigerator and nobody's got enough energy to move... And so, the next logical thing for everyone to do at just about the same time falls asleep.

It feels like only seconds later, however, that you're awoken to a loud noise coming from your front door. You immediately sit up while everyone turns their attention to the door. And when Yuzuha busts the door down, shouting "Pizza!", everyone growls and flops back down.

"God, I thought you were gonna get robbed," Koko grumbles.

"Sorry for taking so long, but the place only gave us two pizzas and Yuzuha really wanted three so we had to wait," Hakkai sighs.

"That's really nice of you two," you smile as you stand up and walk towards them. "Thanks a bunch! We were just talking about food when I guess we all passed out."

"We only woke up 'cause of that loud ass noise you made," you hear your brother complain.

"Ah, sorry about that," Hakkai chuckles awkwardly. "I couldn't really see where I was going..."

You and Yuzuha share a smile as you walk towards the kitchen. Everybody else follows suit, too. You grab whatever random plates and napkins you can find in those unlabeled cardboard boxes for the group to use. Everyone then crowds around your sofa and television as they burn right through the thin layer of pizza.

Yuzuha plugs in your television and turns on your Netflix. The group decides on a horror movie despite nearly being scared to death a few minutes ago. It's only a few minutes into the movie until the pizza is completely gone and Mitsuya's got his arm wrapped around your shoulders. As for Hakkai, he scoots in a bit closer to you (and farther from his sister) each time he thinks a jump scare is about to happen.

After one of the scares when Hakkai almost jumps through the ceiling, Mitsuya taps Hakkai's shoulder gently. "Yo, you wanna join," he teases as he holds his arm open to his friend.

Hakkai narrow his eyes. "I'll be fine, thanks," he grumbles, ignoring the way the group chuckles at his reaction.

Once the movie has finished and everyone is exhausted, they all leave. Well, except Mitsuya who stays behind to help you clean the dishes.

After you place the last dish to dry on the rack, you turn to him and wrap your arms around his neck. "Thank you for helping me move in," you hum.

"Of course. I'm so happy that you decided to move in here," he replies.

"Mm, me too. I just hope the guy who bought the store beneath me isn't too noisy," you tease. "Though I do hope the place gets good business."

Mitsuya smiles at your little joke before bending down to place a small kiss on your lips. You hum with a small grin tugging at the corner of your lips as you pull away.

"You know, the house still needs to be broken in..."


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{WICKED GAMES} Mitsuya x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now