Mission ~ Ch3

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¤ (Y/n)'s Point Of View ¤

"Sorry for the delay my lady, I couldn't find the mugwart." Murashi said with a sheepish chuckle as he walked into the infirmary, mugwart now in hand.
"Don't worry about it, Murashi-Kun." I replied with a soft forgiving smile, sitting patiently as he grounded a chunk of the mugwart and began mixing it with water.

Once the spring water had finally gotten involved with the mixing, that was when that familiar foul stench circulated the room. The stench was so pungent that even our best incense couldn't cover the smell. My sister was smart enough to leave the infirmary before the smell came, biding me farewell once she saw Doctor Murashi climbing back up the stairs.

Soon later, the man had kindly fixed me a cup of tea. The tea was a green-brown colour, foul in both taste and smell but very beneficial to my health and a miracle worker when it came to easing my pain. That was probably the only reason in why I continued to drink this medicine - because it really did work. I began sipping on the tea slowly, knowing that if I drank it too fast that I would start coughing.

It wasn't long before the calmness of the infirmary was interupted by the sound of loud running footsteps, seeming to get closer.
"Lady (Y/n)! Lady (Y/n)! Are you okay?!" A voice called out in panic from down the hall, running as he spoke. I didn't have to look up from my tea to know who it was. His voice and the pure worry laced in it made it clear enough.

In no time at all, my personal body guard Gojo Toru came bursting through the infirmary doors. His armour was on and his boots still muddy, clearly seeming to have just arrived back from his mission. Not only was Toru my personal bodyguard since the age of 12 but he was also the head guard of the Atsuhira castle. However most importantly, he was my closest companion. Toru was the only person that stuck by my side through the pain and suffering. He really meant alot to me.

Toru stood infront of me, his hands on his knees as he began panting and trying to catch his breath from the undoubtedly unnecessary running he done to get to the infirmary. I smiled softly at his sudden appearance, lowering my cup of tea from my lips to give him my full attention. Doctor Murashi excused himself from the room after Toru's appearance, respectfully giving us privacy and space.

"Toru, welcome back!" I greeted softly with a radiant smile. As he caught his breath, his eyes looked me up and down in attempt to analyse how much pain I was in and if I had any physical injuries to go with it. I'm sure he had heard about my fall from a guard outside the gate and had come running in blind which was just like him.

"I'm fine, Toru. Don't you worry." I reassured him with a comforting nod. Before he could reply or argue, I patted the empty space beside me where Miyuki had sat with me on the bed only minutes ago. With a hesitant glace, Toru sat on the white sheets beside me. I could tell that he couldn't help but still be worried, not beliveing me when I assured him that I was doing just fine. After all, I didn't like to draw to much attention to myself so I tended to keep the pain to myself.

"Kaminari informed that you had lost consciousness." Toru began, his brows furrowed in worry as he made eye-contact. And just as I suspected, a guard had told him of my fall causing him to come running in with no thought.
"Ah, yes. It wasn't too bad a fall. I landed on my bed so I was not hurt." I told the man hearteningly, hoping that with these uplifting words that he would no longer worry.

"What triggered it?" Toru asked warily, knowing that it wasn't like me to just randomly loose consiousness. I couldn't help but let out a sheepish chuckle, breaking eye-contact and staring down at my unfinished embroidery piece.
"I just went up the stairs a little too carelessly is all. It was my fault." I admitted, remembering how I practically skipped up the stairs in excitement to get started on my sewing. It was a careless mistake.

Toru huffed in dissapointment at my actions, closing his eyes as he brushed his hands through his hair in frustration.
"Where was Hinamori? She is sopposed to assist you with the stairs." Toru asked me with slight irritation in his voice. Toru was quite serious when it came to my assigned helpers doing there job and even moreso serious when it was because of their absense that something bad had happened to me.

But unlike him, I didn't mind not being assisted. I would hate it if everyone's lives were forced to revolve around me when they so clearly have lives of their very own to live. Hinamori already helps me more than enough, I wouldn't want to trouble her every hour of the day.
"I thought it best not to disturb her. Do not worry, Toru. Really, I'm okay now." I told him softly, placing a gentle hand over his clenched fist that laid beside me.

"You're drinking that repugnant tea which you only drink when you are in alot of pain. You are not okay." Toru muttered in disappointment. The man didn't seem upset with me but rather angry with himself instead and I wasn't really sure why. He done nothing wrong. But either way, I knew he was right. Though I tried to play it off, the pain swirling through my chest rjght now was barely enough to bare.

"I shouldn't have gone on that mission. I shouldn't have left you alone." Toru muttered to himself, squeezing his eyes tightly shut in regret of his actions. I could only sigh at his behaviour, holding onto his hand tighter than before.
"It's fine, Toru. Really. You're here now. That's what matters to me." I told the man with a soft smile that seemed to calm him down ever so slightly as he sighed.

"So how was your mission?" I asked suddenly, trying to change the conversation enough for Toru not to realise it. This way he could stop feeling so guilty and would stop being so tough on himself.
"It was a dead end." The silver head replied with another tired sigh, only seeming to look more glum as I brought up his mission.

"What did it entail?" I asked him curiously, watching as hesitation crossed his face after my question. He stayed silent for a while, seeming to have an enternal battle with himself and I wasn't sure why. The mysteriousness of it all was starting to get to me as I began scooting closer to Toru with curious eyes and a hunger for knowledge.

"What? What is is?" I asked him, tugging on the material of his sleeve to grab his attention. But the man purposely avoided my eyes and brought his gaze to the ground in uncertainty.
"It's...too wretched to share with you, my lady." The man finally mumbled out in guilty, feeling bad for not wanting to share any details with me.

"Oh, come on! I sit in the castle all day with nothing but scrolls and a sewing kit. You have to tell me something!" I laughed out lightly, prodding my dear companion until he finally broke out an amused chuckle at my attempts to persuade him. Needless to say, it worked.

"Well, there is this corrupt man that wonders Japan...terrorising villages and their people. He tortures them for fun...punishing them for daring to be in his way." Toru mumbled, hesitantly staring up at me with worried eyes. He wondered what my reaction would be to this news but once he turnt to me, he only could watch as I continued to sip on my tea.

"He sounds similar to father...killing for entertainment." I commented, remembering how only yesterday father killed a traveller for daring to ask for a place to sleep for the night.
"Well, my mission was to serch for the man at a village south of here which was said to be next on his path. But when we arrived...there was nothing but ash and fire left. He was long gone." Toru gritted out, getting angrier and angrier as he told the story. I didn't know how to help the man's anger. So I just opted on saying,

"I'm sure you'll find him, Toru. Don't worry."

(A.N ~ Sukuna next chap!)

Chapter 4 Quote Teaser :

"Wow...You're beautiful."

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